[nabs-l] Crossing the Street for the Blind
T. Joseph Carter
carter.tjoseph at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 07:12:46 UTC 2008
Do you think billions of dollars is a fair price to pay for you to risk
your life to cross a street when you can neither see nor potentially hear
the dangers--including cars running those red lights?
On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 09:59:12AM -0600, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>I'd agree there, but sometimes you have a hearing loss as well as a
>blindness issue . I'd rather have the device vibrate and beep at me if i do
>start vearing and if I have a hearing loss then it to stop the traphic
>Take care.
>Sarah "Alawami
>The christmas holidays are coming up! check out my music page at
>http://music.marrie.org for some relaxing holiday favorites.
>Thanks and have a wonderful day.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
>Of Beth
>Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 9:22 PM
>To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Crossing the Street for the Blind
>Interesting stuff, Arielle. I'd rather have, however, an accessible cell
>phone rather than the cell phone I have in order to use the software he's
>putting together. He's got a long way to go as far as learning what blind
>people actually use.
>On 11/9/08, Arielle Silverman <arielle71 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I wonder how many people's blindness training could be funded by the
>> money needed for this project?
>> For the 21.2 million Americans who suffer from vision loss, crossing
>> the street can be a stressful and potentially dangerous proposition.
>> Thanks
>> to engineers at the University of Idaho, many visually impaired
>> individuals soon may have a greatly reduced risk thanks to a tool
>> already in their pockets - their cell phone.
>> The statistics for vision loss, provided by the American Foundation
>> for the Blind, include anyone reporting difficulty seeing, even while
>> wearing glasses or contact lenses. No matter the level of visual
>> impairment, many conditions - including visual noise, walking at night
>> and irregular intersections - can result in missing a crosswalk.
>> Regardless of conditions, the new system being developed in Moscow,
>> Idaho, will make intersections safer and easier to navigate.
>> "Minute for minute on the road, any pedestrian is 150 percent more
>> likely to
>> be injured by a car than somebody driving one," said Richard Wall,
>> professor
>> of electrical and computer engineering. "But it is pretty apparent
>> that the
>> blind pedestrians are the ones most at risk at intersections.b
>> The new technology utilizes features already available in many
>> cellular
>> phones, including communications, Global Positioning Satellite
>> (GPS)
>> functions and magnetic compasses to help visually impaired
>> pedestrians.
>> Specialized software allows these pedestrians to activate the crossing
>> signal remotely without having to locate the physical button.
>> Then, the GPS system monitors the position and direction of travel
>> while crossing. As long as the crosser stays within the crosswalk,
>> nothing happens. But stray outside the lines, and an audible warning
>> activates alerting the pedestrian of their danger. It then provides
>> directions on how to get back within the safety zone. Should the
>> walker somehow end up in the middle of the intersection, the system
>> automatically would turn every light red, stopping traffic and
>> averting a potential disaster.
>> "It's true that this would disrupt the timing of the signal patterns
>> when it gets activated," said Wall. "But we would much rather disrupt
>> them for a few seconds than for a half hour while an ambulance assists
>> a traffic victim."
>> To ensure people don't trigger the alarm just for fun, only those who
>> need the help would be able to acquire the necessary software.
>> The system requires more than software, however. It also requires the
>> installation of new hardware in thousands of lights across the
>> country.
>> Luckily, Wall and his team have found a solution that not only is cost
>> effective, it simplifies the existing system.
>> Many crosswalks currently have handicapped-Many crosswalks curre
>> provide help such as audio tones indicating when it is safe to cross.
>> However,
>> the box that controls the intersection contains a massive amount of
>> wiring. This is necessary to connect each actuator with each signal so
>> at any given time, the control box knows each state.
>> Wall's new system simplifies each box to only two wires, both already
>> required to power the signals. It uses a technology called Ethernet
>> over power line, which allows information to be broadcast over power
>> lines.
>> The future is clear for Wall and his research team. They have
>> established dates to deliver the engineering and expect field trials
>> to commence in June. They are building prototypes supported by funds
>> from the University Transportation Centers program, Idaho's Higher
>> Education Research Council and their commercial partner, Campbell
>> Company, who currently makes the accessible pedestrian signals that
>> chirp and talk for the handicapped.
>> "The signals we're building are more than prototypes. These devices
>> actually can go into the field and work today," said Wall. "We're
>> using existing infrastructure and communicating intelligence over it.
>> It's
>> cost effective, it simplifies the connection to two wires and it can
>> be immediately installed in all the existing crosswalks in the
>> country."
>> If you would like more information, or to speak with the people
>> involved, please let me know.
>> Ken Kingery
>> Science/Research Writer
>> University of Idaho
>> Office: 208-885-9156
>> Cell: 614-570-3942
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