[nabs-l] it all had to start somewhere

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 20:54:52 UTC 2009

Hi all,
  i wanted to pose a topic to you all.
 We all found our way into the NFB/Nabs in some way. My question to
you all is how you were introduced into the NFB and what made you stay
a part of it?  What person or event  made you think "hey, this is
pretty cool"?  And
 For me, it was  Julie Deden and my then rehab counsolerTony Lewis
whogot me to go the the CCB for the summer program. I actually went
twice, and each time I was lucky enough to find friendship and  great
role models there. I saw what blind people were doing, and for the
first time, I was not hesitent  to use my cane, nor did I ever think
any differently of other blind folks.  What kept me were the people
who kind of have become my mentors, adults I've met in the program who
have kept in touch with me even today; years after  the fact.  With
what they've showed me, i feel like I should pay that foward.

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