[nabs-l] NABS Election Procedures

T. Joseph Carter carter.tjoseph at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 23:07:18 UTC 2009

That's a good point Darian,

It wouldn't take too long to describe the process, perhaps five 
minutes.  It may be all that we need to have an orderly voice vote, 
and orderly voice votes get us out the door in a fraction of the 
time anyway.

This is the kind of thing I was hoping to discuss.


On Sun, Aug 09, 2009 at 12:13:34PM -0700, Darian Smith wrote:
> one thing I would offer to keep in mind  is that  you do have  quite
>a  bit of  individuals who would be seeing  an election for the first
>time.  This means, that they probably are not the most aware of the
>process, and would benifit from an explaination of the process before
>the election process is started.  This may take a little longer, but
>it's worth educating the membership (if not  briefly) on  what to
>expector how it will  happen.  people, especially newer individuals
>think that they have no voice, or that  there is no ryme or reason for
>actions that take place during the process, and it would do them good
>to know  that  this is not  the case.
> One  may say, this may take too long.  I say, consider the alternitive.

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