[nabs-l] Symbolic Logic

Sean Whalen smwhalenpsp at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 20:33:24 UTC 2009

Hey D Wright,

While symbolic logic does have some unique characters, it is far less
complicated than many science and math fields. I not only took logic, I
tutored it for two years. Difficulties with the symbols are easily overcome.
I do not have any info on the particular book you referenced; I used a
different text. The suggestion that he not take the class is completely out
of line, but perhaps before filing complaints with the DoEd, he might
consider talking to the professor. I did take exams orally, but used symbol
substitutions such as a "U" in place of the horseshoe symbol, which denotes
a conditional, when doing homework. The braille book previously referenced
might serve him quite well. I have only seen two texts, but my impression is
pretty much that logic is logic. There might be different ways of talking
about and explaining concepts, but the terminology and symbols should be
consistent. Unless there is homework taken from the text, he might do fine
learning out of an alternative text and attending lecture.

Hope it's useful,


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