[nabs-l] Legal Advice

Jason Mandarino blind.subscriber at gmail.com
Thu Jan 1 16:35:33 UTC 2009

Hey Eric,

As far as continuing the case, I would recommend that you evaluate the
quality of that final. You expressed an assertive responsibility by scanning
a friend's copy of the final, and it sounds that you were able to complete
your assignment by the dead line. If the professor has been cooperative
through the duration of the course, then perhaps extending a polite email
reminding him of the importance of accessibility for future students.

However, as a college student, I do caution you with this approach.
Thankfully I have not encountered many professors with a power trip, but I
have had to interact with some very difficult professors before. If I would
have done something like copy another students hand out, this type of
professor would have used it against me. Through that difficulty I found out
that the institution offers incompletes, in which my grade is not affected
and is put on the professor. I have only done this once, but found it
helpful when I needed to work with a difficult professor. When I receive an
incomplete, the game plan is back on the professor and they are still under
the same obligations as though you were completing the course on time. I
have only encountered this predicament once, and it came out successfully

Hope this helps,

Email: blind.subscriber at gmail.com

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