[nabs-l] Fwd: WinZoom leading the competition!

David B Andrews David.B.Andrews at state.mn.us
Fri Jun 26 08:06:32 UTC 2009

 >>> <ivu at clarityusacom> 6/24/2009 5:36 PM >>>

Get more with WinZoom!

WinZoom gives you magnification that enlarges material on your 
computer screen. If you have been having problems reading your 
computer screen, WinZoom is IDEAL for you.


A simple to use USB thumb drive makes the WinZoom 100% portable. It 
is a plug and play no installation required which means you don't 
have to have administrator privileges.

WinZoom will run on any public computer.  Simply insert the USB drive 
and you are ready to go.

Use the WinZoom safely anywhere; at a hotel, public library, friends 
home, or family computer.  Remove the USB drive and NO software is 
left.  WinZoom leaves no trace behind!  Zoomtext software requires 
administrator privileges and a full installation process.


Speech output is included in the WinZoom standard product at no extra 
cost to you.


WinZoom is offered at $299 with speech out.  Compare to ZoomText at 
$595. ZoomText without speech is still higher in cost at $395.  Why 
pay more for less features and a higher price?

WinZoom is also available on a USB thumb drive for $399.  ZoomText 
with speech on a USB thumb drive is $695!

Stretch your dollar with WinZoom.  More value, less cost.  If you are 
a sight center or government agency where funding is a continual 
challenge keep this in mind.  You can spend the same amount on 10 
copies of ZoomText with speech or buy 20 copies of WinZoom.  The 
value is there!


WinZoom is 100% 64 bit Vista compatible.

Hands down, WinZoom beats the competition!

For more information or to get your free trial, visit:


800-575-1456 x204


email: <mailto:winzoom at getwinzoom.com>winzoom at getwinzoom.com

*Source:www.aisquared.com May 1st, 2009
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