[nabs-l] Handicaped parking

Jim Reed jim275_2 at yahoo.com
Sat May 16 19:18:56 UTC 2009


You said, "I personally don't feel guilty using my student pass. I feel 
better using my student pass rather than a disability pass because 
being a student means that I'm moving up in the world, and the 
disability pass is a painful reminder of the long way we still have to 
travel to first-class citizenship."

Are you sure that your preference for not using a disabled pass is not linked to the fact that by using a disability pass, you are publicly admiting a disability? It seems to me that blind people who are forced to use a cane, the cane becomes more of a tool, rather than a symbol of disabiliy. Maybe, since the "symbol of disabilility" is not associated with a cane, perhaps it has been transfer to other things such as a handicaped placard or a handicaped bus pass? 

Furthermore, why is it that no one ever complains about getting and using SSI/SSDI funds, yet lots of people complain about using handicaped parking, handicaped bus passes, and free national park passes? My theory is that is boils down to privacy. Once that social security money is in the bank, it is undistinguishable from any other money in use in society. Theirfor the use of SSI/SSDI funds is not a public admission of a disability.

Just my thoughts,


Homer Simpson's brain: "Use reverse psychology." 
 Homer: "Oh, that sounds too complicated." 
 Homer's brain: "Okay, don't use reverse psychology."
 Homer: "Okay, I will!"


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