[nabs-l] Ending the NFB/ACB feud

T. Joseph Carter carter.tjoseph at gmail.com
Wed May 20 03:38:52 UTC 2009

To the ACB's credit, the people running their student list when I was 
on it would not tolerate attacks on the NFB on that list.  The other 
lists were another story, but the student list was free of that kind 
of thing for the most part and the moderators worked to keep it that 


On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 06:45:37PM -0400, Ashley  Bramlett wrote:
> Hi Tina,
> I've not heard it from nfb members.  But from ACB members.
> I've heard and experienced the differences and attacks.  At local ACB  
> meetings it comes  up; occassional attacks but most often just a 
> different set of philosophies and priorities.  Additional as someone 
> pointed out, I've heard the NFB villified on ACB-L the list serve for ACB 
> similar to NFB's nfb-talk.
> That is what I meant by hating each other.  Sadly there is too much 
> friction and attack.  More often its from older members.  ACB students 
> and young adults are more open.  However ACB has a majority of older 
> foks.
> Ashley

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