[nabs-l] National Scholarship

Jim Reed jim275_2 at yahoo.com
Sun May 31 18:53:42 UTC 2009

Hello fellow scholoarship contestants, 
I also applied for the NFB scholarship, and I also have not heard anything. My understanding was that the scholarship commitee would begin reviewing applications after May 1.  It seems to me that since one requirement of the scholarship is attending the national convention, it is likely that the sciholarship commitee has already, or must very shortly make their desisions. thus allowing time to make travel arraingements. 

BTW, How do you guys feel about being forced  to attend a national convention in order to reciieve a scholarship? We atre college students; shouldn't we be being encouraged to work during the summers? What about those with summer internships where they can't take time off work?I know that if I had a job working for the National Park Service, or the Forest Service, there would be no chance I could go to convention, especially since the convention falls on the 4th of July (when every idiot with a tent and a cooler full of beer is in the National Parks/Forest). I'm not sure I agree with the idea of requreing students to take a week out of their lives, and travel half-way acrossed the country for the purpose of recieving a scholarship; even if the trip is free.


Homer Simpson's brain: "Use reverse psychology." 
 Homer: "Oh, that sounds too complicated." 
 Homer's brain: "Okay, don't use reverse psychology."
 Homer: "Okay, I will!"


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