[nabs-l] Charlie Wilks- blind football player. (as featured on

Sean Whalen smwhalenpsp at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 03:21:04 UTC 2009

I think it is great that he is out there getting involved with a sport and
making friends. This said, it is not news worthy. If he found a way to play
effectively or be good at it, that might warrant a news article. I myself
played football my freshman year in high school. Aside from blocking for
field goals, I found no aspect of the game where I could compete on an even
footing with the sighted kids. Defense is the most difficult of all, given
that the name of the game is assess and react. If you cannot assess, you are
in trouble. Unless you can use hearing or other senses to gauge what the
blocking scheme is, where the play is going and who has the ball, you will
not be successful.

Again, it's great that he gets out there and does it. I understand that. I
love football and played just to get out and be one of the guys. He isn't
breaking ground here. Any number of us could surely run ahead when somebody
told us to or slapped us on the leg. Just as it shouldn't be news when a
blind athlete succeeds in a sport, such as wrestling, where it is known and
accepted that blind people can compete, it should not be news that somebody,
blind or sighted, attempts something. I fear this is a case of the low
expectations of the reporter and society at large, where we are often
"brave" or "amazing" just for trying.

I can't stress enough that I have no beef with the kid doing it. Good for
him. Just keep it out of my newspaper.


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