[nabs-l] Taiwan

Harry Hogue harryhogue at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 12 19:58:11 UTC 2009

Hello everyone!

It's been a really long time sicne I've written, but I had a question that I thought would interest the list in general.  I may soon be traveling to Taiwan to teach English in a high school setting for a year (depends on the interview on Oct. 2, etc), but I was wondering if anyone has any information on how blind people are regarded in Taiwan?  So far I ahve not revealed the blindness; I ahve been granted an interview.  I thought it may be best for my references to bring up the matter, since it may be more well-regarded coming from a third-party, but then again if they have specific questions my references may not be the best ones to answer such a question.  My dad, in particular, feels pretty strongly that it is something that I should have mentioend before now, but I tend to say that that would simply give them reason to deny me in order to make the hiring process easier.  I am dealing with facts and they are dealing with fear, as I like to say. 
 Alright, thanks!

Help is aprpeciated!  Also, thoughts on the presence/lack of presence of Chinese Braille is appreciated, and where I could hope to get a handle on it as I study the spoken language.



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