[nabs-l] accessibility issues with Blackboard using JAWS or WindowEyes.

Robert Miller rmiller at osb.k12.ok.us
Tue Jul 27 13:54:23 UTC 2010

Below is an email I received concerning access to Distance Learning applications such as Blackboard, when using different applications.  JAWS and WindowEyes are among the list.  I don't have access to an Blackboard account, but I thought of all of you. Many of you are JAWS or WindowEyes users and you use Blackboard all the time.  I was hoping you might have time to read the short email below and give us your input.  I would then, forward your input to the person who sent the email. I've included the person's phone number and email address if you would like to discuss these issues directly.  Thank you!


I have been asked to query you folks about any known issues with software/hardware accessibility in correlation to distance Learning applications such as Blackboard.

We are trying to put together a list of issues with applications such as JAWS, Dragon Naturally Speaking, WindowEyes, Closed Captioning, etc. might have with distance learning applications such as Blackboard.  Can you all provide some considerations that you feel should be taken in to account or are possible problems.  I am looking for technical issues in as much detail as you can provide.

I know this is short notice but our Director has made this a high priority and I will need your responses as soon as you can get them to me.  Your input is valued.


Jonathan Woodward

Information Services Administrator

Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services

405-951-3428 Desk

405-426-2888 Cell

jwoodward at okdrs.gov

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