[nabs-l] Looking Good at the Hair Salon

Elizabeth lizmohnke at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 11 05:21:33 UTC 2010

Hello List,
I understand this may be a bit off topic for the list, but I have a few questions regarding personal grooming after coming home from a trip to the hair salon. I understand I could have talked more with my stylist about what I was looking for before she cut my hair, but at the time, I simply wanted her to cut it before I decided to change my mind. However, I am curious, what kind of techniques do you use as a blind person when visiting the hair salon? 
I remember being able to comb through the pages of fashion magazines when I was looking to change my hairstyle as a teenager. However, now that I have lost a considerable amount of vision, I seem to find myself at a bit of a loss as to what to do. If I can no longer flip through the pages of a fashion magazine when I am looking to do something a bit different with my style, then what else is there for me to do?
Any suggestions would be appreciated as I contemplate going back and getting something else besides a basic haircut. 
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