[nabs-l] Josh's CCB Recordings

Peter Donahue pdonahue1 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 16 17:02:55 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

    Please disregard my last message concerning Josh's recordings. It is 
simply common courtesy to seek permission from others involved before 
recording activities and events of any kind to be sure everyone is aware 
that the recording is being made and to prevent breaches of confidentiality. 
There's nothing wrong with recording such activities, but we need to be 
respectful of others privacy and to be sure that the final product promotes 
all aspects of our activities.

Peter Donahue

"Will you come and awake our lost land from its slumber
      And her fetters we'll break, links that long are encumbered.
      And the air will resound with hosannas to greet you
      On the shore will be found gallant Irishmen to greet you."
Will You Come to the Bower
Traditional Irish Folk Song

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