[nabs-l] Cell phone question

Maryann Migliorelli mrsmigs at migliorelli.org
Tue Sep 7 03:55:51 UTC 2010

Hi Justin,  Verizon will be coming out with its own I phone pretty soon.  I
was just there yesterday getting my new Haven.  That is what they were all
saying at their booth.

By the way, the Haven is fully accessible in its menus, contacts, editing,
and texting.  If you want a phone for just a phone and texting application,
it's wonderful.  It doesn't use the web at all.  Unlike most of the L.G.
ones, everything it does is fully accessible including the calendar,
calculator, and other peripherals.  The only drawback, at least to some
people is that is doesn't have a qwerty keyboard and you can't adjust the

Have a great week.

Maryann Migliorelli

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