[nabs-l] PR and visual elements

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 2 19:55:36 UTC 2011


I have a minor in public relations, but my focus is mostly on the
writing side of things.  I did not have to take any of the design
graphic classes, but I do have to create visual elements at times for
brochures and things like that.

I usually have a good idea in my head of what I want, then I work with
someone to help physically create it.

I will be interning this summer with a PR group, but I will work with a
team, and once again, I am being used as a writer.

Perhaps speaking with some of the computer and technology based email
list here will help.

I understand your situation, and I wish I had more helpful advice to
give.  Good luck.


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