[nabs-l] Fwd: [Yodisabledproud] Webinar: Evacuation of Students with and without Access & Functional Needs

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 21:54:33 UTC 2011

Hi all,
 Just passing this along to whomever may find this of interest. If you
don't find it of interest, please feel just as    free to ignore.
 I might check it out- who knows, maybe I might learn something.  :)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Teresa Favuzzi <teresa at cfilc.org>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 14:12:00 -0700
Subject: [Yodisabledproud] Webinar: Evacuation of Students with and
without Access & Functional Needs
To: "youthleadership at cftalk.org" <youthleadership at cftalk.org>,
"yodisabledproud at cftalk.org" <yodisabledproud at cftalk.org>

From: FEMA-Disability-Integration-Coordination
[mailto:Fema-Disability-Integration-Coordination at dhs.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:07 PM
Subject: Webinar Announcement Access and Functional Needs Evacuation

Dear Colleagues;

Marcie Roth, Director of the Office of Disability Integration and
Coordination, happy to inform you of the Community Preparedness
Webinar Series.

This first webinar will discuss the Evacuation of Students with and
without Access and Functional Needs and will be very informative,
please feel free to forward to others that may be interested.

Community Preparedness Webinar Series
Evacuation of Students with and without Access and Functional Needs
Monday, April 25, 2011, 12 PM EST
You should login 10 minutes prior to the start of the webinar. Access
the webinar here<http://1.usa.gov/hclMHP>.
Join us for a webinar on Evacuating Students With and Without Access
and Functional Needs. On April 25, 2011, Marcie Roth, director of the
Office for Disability Integration and Coordination at the Federal
Emergency Management Agency, and Richard Devylder, Senior Advisor for
Accessible Transportation at the U.S. Department of Transportation,
will be providing strategies for planning and responding to the needs
of children during evacuations.  Both are national leaders in planning
for and responding to the needs of children and adults with
disabilities and others with access and functional needs.  The webinar
will be an opportunity to look at planning and responding from a
functional needs perspective and a universal team approach.
Related links and resources

 *   Access and Functional Needs Transportation and Evacuation
Planning Toolkit<http://www.nusura.com/media/projects/Cal_EMA_Toolkit/resources5.html>
(Cal EMA)
 *   Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Modifications for People with
Disabilities or Access and Functional
Needs<http://rems.ed.gov/docs/CalEMA_DropCoverHoldOn.pdf> (Cal EMA)
[PDF, 442 KB]
 *   Feeling Safe, Being Safe

How to view our webinars

The Community Preparedness Webinar Series is conducted via DHS's HSIN
Connect system. You do not need to register in advance, nor do you
need a HSIN account in order to view our webinars. Audio for this
webinar will be broadcast within HSIN Connect; there will not be a
concurrent, phone-based teleconference. Questions and answers will be
moderated via text-based chat inside the webinar. In order to ensure
that your computer is capable of viewing our webinars and webcasts, we
highly recommend that you read the below documents and perform the
compatibility test prior to the start of the event. In addition,
please ensure your computer's speakers are working prior to the
webinar. If for any reason you have trouble accessing the system,
please send an email to citizencorps at dhs.gov.

Using HSIN Connect<http://teamsite.fema.net/downloads/pdf/councils/Using_HSIN_Connect_for_Citizen_Corps_Nov09.pdf>
(PDF) | Perform Compatibility

Additional information about this webinar

This webinar is free to the public and will accommodate the first 500
visitors that enter the site. This webinar will last approximately one
hour. In addition to airing live, the webinar will be recorded and
viewable at a later date and linked from this web page. The live
webinar will offer Closed Captioning and a transcript of the webinar
will be posted with the recorded version of the webinar.

From: Roth, Marcie [mailto:Marcie.Roth at dhs.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:50 PM
To: Roth, Marcie; richard.devylder at dot.gov; Hathaway, Alison
Cc: Crane, Thomas J; Dennis, Latisha
Subject: RE: Webinar Announcement

Please copy the final to LaTisha Dennis (copied Here) and she will get
it out to our distro.

Marcie Roth
Office of Disability Integration and Coordination
Department of Homeland Security/ FEMA
202.212.1537 (office)
202.285.9231 (cell)
marcie.roth at dhs.gov<mailto:marcie.roth at dhs.gov>

“FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to
ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and
improve  our capacity to prepare for, protect against, respond to,
recover from, and mitigate all hazards.”

From: Roth, Marcie [mailto:Marcie.Roth at dhs.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 11:41 AM
To: richard.devylder at dot.gov; AHathaway at icfi.com; Roth, Marcie
Cc: Crane, Thomas J
Subject: Re: Webinar Announcement

This looks great!

Marcie Roth
Office of Disability Integration and Coordination
U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency
202.212.1537 (office)
202.285.9231 (cell)
marcie.roth at dhs.gov

From: prvs=082edbd97=richard.devylder at dot.gov
<prvs=082edbd97=richard.devylder at dot.gov>
To: AHathaway at icfi.com <AHathaway at icfi.com>; Roth, Marcie <Marcie.Roth at dhs.gov>
Cc: Crane, Thomas J <Thomas.J.Crane at dhs.gov>
Sent: Mon Apr 18 11:36:50 2011
Subject: RE: Webinar Announcement
Looks fine.  Here is what I had drafted if you want to use any of it.

On April 25, 2011, Marcie Roth, director of the Office for Disability
Integration and Coordination at the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, and Richard Devylder, Senior Advisor for Accessible
Transportation at the U.S. Department of Transportation, will be
providing strategies for planning and responding to the needs of
children during evacuations.  Both were appointed to their positions
by President Barack Obama and are national leaders in planning for and
responding to the needs of children and adults with disabilities and
others with access and functional needs.  The webinar will be an
opportunity to look at planning and responding from a functional needs
perspective and a universal team approach.


From: Hathaway, Alison [mailto:AHathaway at icfi.com]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 11:32 AM
To: Devylder, Richard (OST); Marcie.Roth at dhs.gov
Cc: Thomas.J.Crane at dhs.gov
Subject: Webinar Announcement

Richard and Marcie,
Please see the attached webinar announcement we would like to send out
today. Do you have any edits before we send?


Alison Hathaway| 404.416.3980 (mobile)|
ahathaway at icfi.com<mailto:ahathaway at icfi.com>

[cid:image001.png at 01CBFDE7.C11F7C90]

Darian Smith
Skype: The_Blind_Truth
Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/goldengateace

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

— Robert Byrne
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