[nabs-l] (no subject)

Findley Nicole nicolefind at juno.com
Sun Apr 24 04:42:31 UTC 2011

My name is Nicole Findley. I am visually impaired. I am 18 in the 11th grade in high school. I would like to post a question about biology labs. My question is: If you were disecting a rat in Biology class and you are visually impaired, what would you do in order to be able to see all of the necessary parts of the rat? What advice would you give an 18 year old visually impaired student? I want to post this on the NABS web page. How can I do so? Let me know. Have a nice day! Take care. Thank you. I really appreciate your support. God Bless You!! Let me know. Write me back soon.
Nicole Findley

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