[nabs-l] RoboBraille

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 22:33:32 UTC 2011

Hi all,
I just wanted to thank Vejas for telling us about the RoboBraille
resource. I just used it to convert three scanned PDF articles I had
into accessible Word documents. It did a very good job, I had each
article within 5 min and the OCR quality was very good. This could be
an excellent money-saving resource for blind college students who
don't have the funds to purchase Kurzweil or Open Book. Plus if you
want to scan something yourself but don't have OCR software, you can
scan it, print to PDF and then send the PDF to RoboBraille to have it
converted to Word.
For those of you who missed Vejas's post: To convert a PDF document to
Word simply send it as an email attachment to
convert at robobraille.org
and put doc in the subject line.

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