[nabs-l] back to school, but thinking about it, anyone in colorado?

Beth thebluesisloose at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 01:55:45 UTC 2011

Hi, guys.  I am thinking about going to Metro State College of Denver, CO, to study social work.  Anybody know the Metro community and could tell me anything is welcome to e-mail me off list.  Also, what I was wondering is if anybody 
has any details about the testing policy at Metro State College as FSU had a weeks-in-advance test sign up policy.  Do they have accessible computers in their library?  My bf told me all the great things Metro has to offer, but if there's anybody interested in telling me about that or University of Colorado Denver.  Also, what places in Denver could I do my service learning?  
I guess if anybody could forward this to the Human Services List, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
BethSent from my iPod

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