[nabs-l] Security in ourselves, acceptance in others
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Fri Jun 10 02:33:49 UTC 2011
I am not trying to sensor anything just keep each list on the topics
for which it was intended. And ... the history was that people broke
away from the NFB in the early 1960's and formed the ACB because they
disagreed with the way things were done by us.
At 08:21 PM 6/9/2011, you wrote:
>We've often wondered a same thing what is the history of such a beef
>between the consumer organizations.
>There, in my opinion, ought not be censorship, here!
>> I do understand the Braille Forum is a copyrighted publication of
>>the American Council of the Blind, so there might be legal/ethical
>>issues with distributing it outside official ACB channels. But I am
>>slightly curious (and I say this with the utmost respect), would
>>circulating an issue of the braille Monitor describing the split in
>>terms favorable to the Federation be "not appropriate for this list?"
>> Sincerely,
>>On 6/9/11, Jorge Paez <computertechjorgepaez at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > David:
>> > With all due respect, can we not have an open mind?
>> >
>> > After all: Chris isn't doing any obvious harm by presenting an
>> opposing view
>> > is he?
>> > Is he telling us to join the ACB?
>> > No, and I take that as harmless.
>> >
>> > Why silence what could possibly be a question that will be brought up by
>> > future leaders anyway?
>> >
>> > Sooner or later we'll have to debate not the marrits or not of the
>> > organization, but what we stand fore because as the world evolves, so must
>> > our stance on issues--we can never stand solid by one policy and
>> say we will
>> > follow it until we die for if the target changes, then so must
>> our aim--and
>> > we should be open to anything and consider all as long as our
>> principles of
>> > blind independence and first class citizenship are not at risk.
>> >
>> > You realize its not the ACB that you oppose, its their ideas,
>> and are we not
>> > open to discussion on this?
>> > Just because we talk doesn't mean we do,
>> > are you by any stretch of the imagination suggesting that there
>> is a hidden
>> > threat in reading a politically contrary paper?
>> >
>> > I agree--if Chris were to do it every month I would see why,
>> > but just once won't hurt anyone will it?
>> >
>> >
>> > Jorge
>> >
>> >
>> > On Jun 9, 2011, at 4:42 PM, David Andrews wrote:
>> >
>> >> Chris:
>> >>
>> >> While what you are trying to do is "well meaning," it is inappropriate,
>> >> and not in step with the purpose of this list. This is not a debating
>> >> society, and nor are we a vehicle to distribute the Braille Forum. This
>> >> list is for NABS and blind students, not to discuss the founding of the
>> >> ACB, or debate how it is different from the NFB.
>> >>
>> >> David Andrews, List Owner
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> At 02:55 PM 6/9/2011, you wrote:
>> >>> Hmm... that's interesting. Well, I went out of my comfort
>> zone a little
>> >>> and signed up to get both the Monitor and the Braille Forum (ACB's
>> >>> magazine) by email. I will attach this month's Braille Forum. Although
>> >>> a lot of it has to do with the lagistics of their convention in Reno,
>> >>> please especially take time to read the President's Message column from
>> >>> Mitch Pomerantz. You'll see there what he says about the NFB and Dr.
>> >>> TenBroek and Dr.
>> >>> Jernigan, while comparing the ACB's founding to that of the United
>> >>> States. What do you all think of this? Am I stirring the pot too much?
>> >>> Oh heck... another little debate won't hurt. * Smile!
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