[nabs-l] Jobs held by blind students
Humberto Avila
avila.bert.humberto2 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 05:23:29 UTC 2011
Hey all, but what about summer jobs held by blind students? I'm trying to
find a summer job that I can do. What types of summer employment have you
done? The reason I ask this is because some students, being sighted or
blind, work in the summer to gain experience in a job setting but also to
pay off their college expenses and things like that. Some teens also work
part-time during the summer so they can get their "own stuff"
So what is a blind person expected to do?
-----Original Message-----
From: nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Anjelina
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 4:04 PM
To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
Subject: [nabs-l] Jobs held by blind students
Hi all,
I thought exploring jobs as students would be an interesting thread.
What types have you held as a student?
In high school I worked part time at taco Bell. I believe most jobs are
feasible for a person who is blind. The barrier is finding employers who are
willing to think outside of the box. Even at Ataco Bell I had to work my way
up to washing dishes.
It was mentioned it may be difficult for a blind person to flip burgers do
to sanitary regulations. I'm not sure about Burger joints but most fast food
items are precooked/prepackaged which just required dropping the meat into a
Since I have not yet faced the full-time world of employment,I cannot offer
any advice. It is disheartening reading accounts of capable willing job
candidates who also face discrimination. We know what we are capable of;
the obstacle is being given a chance.
Sent from my iPhone
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