[nabs-l] Making Friends/Socializing With Sighted People

Michelle Clark mcikeyc at aol.com
Sun Mar 27 15:38:35 UTC 2011


I agree. Many times, sighted persons just do not have a clue as to what to
do or how to act. I personally feel that often I as the blind person must
take the first move to make people be comfortable.

In the Bible, there is a scripture that states "To have friends, one must
first show themselves friendly". I take that attitude and often am

On last week, I left a job in which I held for four months to move on to
another offer that better suited my needs. On the last few days in which I
was there, there were emails, hugs, and visits from others who just wanted
to wish me good luck. Some even took my email, Face book info, and telephone
number. I left there with tears in my eyes because I did not know how many
friends I had made in that short amount of time.

In all, I just made myself friendly and walked around, into person's offices
to speak, initially I was just lost, and made sure I spoke most times when I
heard something while in the halls; Even if I had to speak first. 

The greatest thing I did to bridge the understanding gap was to make a dish
for an International Lunch the department had. I had to write a short story
about myself. I took the pan home empty.

It worked for me! I know it can work for you.


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