[nabs-l] Talking Calculators

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Sun Oct 9 00:56:04 UTC 2011

Hi, it's Joshua Lester.
A lady started a thread, on here about graphing calculators, that
prompted me to talk about an issue i'm having with mine.
I have a talking scientific calculator, that I love to use, for my
Algebra classes.
The problem is, that every calculator I received, had an earbud, with
something that goes around your ear.
Well, the thing that goes around your ear, also holds the earbud in place.
The earbuds keep coming apart.
Why don't the makers of these calculators make their earbuds stronger,
so that they don't break, all of a sudden?
All I did, was put it on, once, and it broke.
I wasn't trying to mess it up, either.
This is the second one, to be defective.
What's the deal?
Blessings, Joshua

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