[nabs-l] Lack of Communication

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 16:19:28 UTC 2011

Hi all,
With all respect, I think it important to remember that student
division building, while dear to our hearts, is not a life-or-death
emergency. Good organizing is a process that happens over months, not
days. So a little patience is in order here. Also, while state
presidents and regional reps can offer helpful advice, the best way to
organize a division is to find other students. A division can be
formed with only three students: a president, VP, and
secretary/treasurer. Do you know other blind students at your school?
If not, why not go to all the local chapter meetings around your state
and make announcements about your student division? Further, student
divisions can include youth and young adults, not just currently
enrolled students. Perhaps there are a couple young adults in one of
your state's local chapters who would be interested in joining up.

On 9/9/11, Ashley Bramlett <bookwormahb at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> I got frustrated with lack of responses within my student division and that
> is why I really do not see NFB as much of a family. Great for overall
> national advocacy but when you have an individual problem at school due to a
> professor's attitude or you just need to have a technology question
> answered, you need the support of another blind individual who went through
> it. Yes it’s a
> chronic problem all over the country. But come on, he asked the individual
> two days ago. Do you really feel that is enough time considering the student
> rep is also a student, family member, may sit on other student
> organizations, may have work, or may be studying for a test.
> I don't feel we should be frustrated unless it has happened before or we
> have given it a few weeks.  Your suggestion of setting asside time to
> receive calls is a good one though.
> I feel we need to balance our commitment to the NFB with our other life. I
> wonder just what some federationists do who belong to multiple chapters and
> take on so much? Do they have  a life outside NFB? I never saw you talk
> about work or family here.
> Its important to live the philosophy which means doing what other sighted
> people do and educating the public while being involved in NFB.
> If your  whole life is just blindness events, are you really educating the
> public and participating on terms of equality with your fellow peers?
> It’s a problem of communication, but  I do not like the tone of be a loyal
> federationist
> or else. Your right that the state president could assign other individuals
> to help him/her respond to questions/concerns.
> However, I do not think naming names on a public archived list is right. It
> makes a bad situation worse. He could have just said he did not hear from
> his regional rep and asked what to do about it.
> It’s a problem throughout the country and yes I hope its addressed because
> otherwise NFB will not be as strong. The key to effective organizations is
> good communication and with communication comes a plan of action and
> activities based on plans.
> Ashley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Donahue
> Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 11:42 AM
> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> Subject: [nabs-l] Lack of Communication
> Good morning everyone,
> This is a chronic problem all over the country so I don't blame him for
> being frustrated. The best way for affiliate board members to avoid being
> called out publically is to respond to member issues and concerns in a
> timely manner. The fact that individuals were called out on this list is a
> symptom of a serious problem in this organization. If the problem is fixed
> this wouldn't happen and activities and federation business would be delt
> with in a more timely manner.
>     The excuse that these are busy people with other commitments beyond the
> NFB is a sorry one indeed. What happened to task assignment, and designated
> calling hours. If someone knows they're going to be busy they can ask
> another chapter or board member to handle inquiries from affiliate members.
> They could also designate specific times during the day for those wanting to
> reach a human being rather than a voicemail box to do so. Likewise if
> there's a project to be done such as organizing a student division, planning
> to broadcast a state convention, etc, the chapter or state president can
> assign another person to work with the individual or group carrying out the
> project so they can attend to other affiliate matters and their non-NFB
> life. E-mail and voicemail are great but not when your messages go
> unanswered. There is too much of this going on in this organization around
> the country and it needs to stop!
> Peter Donahue
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ashley Bramlett" <bookwormahb at earthlink.net>
> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list" <nabs-
> l at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 9:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Arkansas Association of Blind Students update
> Communication problems calling out specific names probably shouldn't be
> posted here. But general
> questions about getting and building student associations would be alright.
> I had a similar issue in Virginia. I'd call or email board members with no
> response. The virginia association of blind students still has meetings at
> state convention with a board. But I got disappointed in the group. A group
> should do things and communicate with each other; a group meeting once a
> year with no other plans was not useful to me. So I went through college and
> advocated for myself and did what I could to succeed. This list was helpful
> and still is, but the students in Virginia were not so helpful.
> So I know what you mean about communication challenges; but you might want
> to work that out with your state board members and/or regional rep.
> Ashley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua Lester
> Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 4:43 AM
> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> Subject: [nabs-l] Arkansas Association of Blind Students update
> Hi, it's Joshua Lester.
> I still haven't heard from Candice Chapman, (my new regional
> representative.)
> I E-mailed her, 2 days ago.
> I've asked my state president, but she hasn't responded either.
> I don't know what else to do.
> I've noticed that our other Arkansan isn't posting, anymore.
> What's going on?
> If anyone would be interested, he would be.
> Thanks for your help.
> Blessings, Joshua
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