[nabs-l] Off Topic Messages

Sean Whalen smwhalenpsp at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 17:19:41 UTC 2011

Issues related to ADA, IDEA, and legislation or legislative initiatives that
effect blind folks are most certainly on topic for the list. The point that
Arielle was making, and correctly so, is that there are any number of lists
for general political interests. If we are about integration, why do we want
to set ourselves apart from the general mainstream political discussion? Of
course, as I've said, if it is issues related to blindness, we certainly do
want to discuss that, and we can do it here or on any number of NFB or other
blindness lists. I just don't think that our views on taxes, national
defense, the economy, immigration, etc. have a whole lot to do with the fact
that we are blind. Nor do those broader policies and political ideologies
have greater implications for us in virtue of our blindness. We should be
part of the general political discussion, and setting up a venue outside of
the mainstream to voice our views serves neither us nor society at large.




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