[nabs-l] Heading Navigation in MSWord 2010

Chelsea Cook astrochem119 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 11:39:07 UTC 2012


Hope everyone is having a great start to the semester!

Does anyone know how to navigate by heading within a Word document
without saving as html with jaws 11? I can invoke the headings list
and they appear, but they are not announced when I just read straight

Thanks a bunch,

Chelsea Cook

Virginia Tech 2015; Physics Major
cook2010 at vt.edu
"I ask you to look both ways.  For the road to a knowledge of the
stars leads through the atom; and important knowledge of the atom has
been reached through
the stars."
Sir Arthur Eddington, British astrophysicist (1882-1944), Stars and
Atoms (1928), Lecture 1

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