[nabs-l] question for the creative and science-loving nabsters

Valerie Gibson valandkayla at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 04:11:41 UTC 2012


As some of you probably know, training animals is a big hobby of mine, and I am hoping to make that a carreer, along with child psych. yes i know, odd combo.

The problem i have found myself in is that i need to be able to weigh my parrot, and I need an accessible scale that measures in grams.  If there's a way i can attach a perch to it so my parrot can step onto the perch to be weighed, that would be awesome. if not, preferably a scale where he can just step up onto it.

Does anyone have any ideas on where to find such a scale.  Due to the fact that i will be using it for a parrot's health reasons, i would obviously need it to be as accurate as possible.

Thanks in advance for the feedback.  

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