[nabs-l] meeting results and what to do to get a working computerfor college
Ashley Bramlett
bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 23 20:41:51 UTC 2012
I finally read more messages. I've totten over 150 of them in the past few
A busy list.
It sounds like you want more than a mac. First, you need justifications. It
seems like you already have a working pc. Why can't you use that in college?
Keep in mind that most job applications list windows based programs as
qualifications; such as microsoft office suite applications including word,
excel, and powerpoint. also ability to use outlook, calendar, conduct
internet research, use their database and more.
I say this not to discourage you from your mac pursuit, but I believe
anything you fight for in rehab needs to serve a good purpose. If you really
feel its appropriate, tell them why. What are the pros to a mac not on the
windows pc? How will you benefit from a mac in college?
Then if they say no, do as you would for
other disagreements. First get it in writing. Second, Talk to your
counselor's supervisor. Third, if you get no result, get an advocate
involved. I suggest
working with your state client assistance program. In fact, I may need cap
too as I'm not getting the services I need either.
Also, in the future, you need to take more steps in meetings if you haven't
already. Its your program, not theirs. Tell them your employment goal and
how you want to get there.
Importantly, take notes in meetings. Better yet, have it recorded with
permission! If meeting A was unsuccessful, then in meeting B take an
advocate or witness with you. This is where family helps IMO, as long as
they will advocate with you. They can be there as an advocate and/or
If no witness is present, then just take notes and record meetings.
As to your other concerns, I'm not sure what they are doing is legal. This
is where the advocate from cap will come in. I fail to see how they can
force you to participate in some work assessments if that isn't toward your
employment goal.
Tell them no and go to college. Finally, I believe you need to address your
academic deficits to help you succeed next round in college. I'd urge you to
visit professor's office hours for tutoring, use your school's tutoring
center, and make an outline when you need to study. I have no clue why you
had bad grades and got on academic probation.
But often it is due to not studying adaquately for exams. You mentioned
issues with research papers. I urge you to hire a reader to assist you skim
texts in the library and use your school databases with jaws and readers.
Then after you write your paper, take it to your school's writing center if
you have one and they give feedback on it. Also, what helped my grades in
papers is to revise, rewrite, and rewrite. Do not! do one quick draft and
turn in!
You need to make multiple drafts and work hard on them. Papers take a lot of
work to do well on them and many students just throw things on paper and
random quotes and turn in. You might want to outline your papers first.
One more tip is I do not always write my introduction to the paper first.
Instead I write the body and then I know what it says. Based on that I write
my introduction.
Good luck.
-----Original Message-----
From: Beth
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 1:01 AM
To: nabs-l at nfbnet.org
Subject: [nabs-l] meeting results and what to do to get a working
computerfor college
Hi. The meeting with rehab was unsuuccessful in doing anything
but made me aware of stuff. They don't want me to have a Mac
because they don't feel I should have one. I understand they
don't buy macs in Colorado, but my concern about third party apps
fell on deaf ears. They want me to do a "situational assessment
and work adjustment training." They found an agency for me to
work at, and they're forcing me to go to mental health group and
counseling therapies. Honestly, I'm getting tired of this. I
didn't think a mental issue would cause the employment to be the
top priority. But I can't exactly go along with Rehab and their
plans. They pretty much coerced me into doing the work
adjustment training, saying that I was "putting the cart before
the horse" with college and all. But most sighted normal people
go to college and get a major. What am I supposed to do?
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