[nabs-l] using excel

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 31 21:43:41 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I suppose excel is pretty accessible, just more challenging with the ribbon bar.
What can you do with those charts like the pie and bar graph? Can you label them, widen the bars, move the graph itself? Can you do all this with the keyboard? I do not see how you can select and move an image though with the keyboard.

I’m trying to learn excel in an intro computer class and wondered what was accessible. It is excel 2010.
My professor is teaching me the excel commands she can find online; but she is used to teaching via the mouse.
Has anyone taken the hadley excel class or caroll center’s online class? If so, what does it teach and did you like it? Hadley’s corespondence class is free as are all classes but carroll center requires payment but IMO it’s a reasonable fee.

If anyone can tell me how to do these things in excel, I’d appreciate it. I’m getting a little training through the department for the blind, but it is not enough. We are covering more than excel so we only have one session on it.

I use jaws 13 and excel 2010.
My questions:
1. Is it possible to use the fill handle and how?
My classmates do this a lot.
2. How do you select a range of cells?
3. How do you widen cells?
4. How do you insert formulas telling it to add up columns? I know you press equals, then sum, and separate the numbers with a colon. Would you just type something like  =sum(c5:c8)
5. how do you tell jaws to read the column headers?


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