[nabs-l] Google Calendar and Docs

Cynthia Bennett clb5590 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 01:49:23 UTC 2012

My coworkers just love their Google calendars. I have found them to be
partially accessible. I can make appointments, but I cannot create new
calendars, share them, or switch calendar views independently. I have
similar troubles when I use my phone. One coworker shared her
calaendar with me, and now I get reminders that she has set for her
own appointments that aren't even mine which is annoying. I am also
unable to differentiate her appointments from mine as the only view I
can access right now is the comprehensive view of my calendars. I have
done quite a bit of exploring, and a lot of the options such as
settings just don't activate when I press space or enter on them. I
have even tried right clicking them.

I am curious if there are any applications like Outlook that could
sync with my Google calendars that would allow me more accessibility.
Or if there is a more accessible Google interface. I have clicked a
link that supposedly changes the view to optomize accessibility, but
in my opinion, unlike the awesome standard view on the GMail
interface, this really didn't do anything.

Also, I am curious about Google Docs. I need to do more exploring, but
any advice is appreciated.


Cynthia Bennett
B.A. Psychology, UNC Wilmington

clb5590 at gmail.com

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