[nabs-l] Long-Distance Dating

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Sep 10 08:06:05 UTC 2012

Carly, you are just going to have to accept that not everybody views 
stuff the same as you.  Something that is easy for you might make 
someone else very nervous.  There is no right or wrong, we are all 
different, we have different views, and different things scare us.

That is just the way it is.


At 12:53 AM 9/10/2012, you wrote:
>Hi, Dave, and others,
>         I can't believe so much is being made of one of life's 
> essential, building blocks! What's so significant? Call me blind 
> but I just don't see it! Another list? Grow UP!
>  oAt 10:03 AM 9/9/2012, wmodnl wmodnl wrote:
>>I think this discussion calls for a new list.  A list for 
>>discussing these topics in the open.  Maybe, we can offer a FAQ 
>>page, with a search area for people to locate educational material, 
>>and local centers in there area.  Finally, if I remember, there are 
>>confidential hotlines that individuals can call through local 
>>hospitals to ask these questions.  Dave, what do you think about 
>>the idea for adding a list for this topic?  We see a need for it, 
>>and a demand for correct information.
>>Sent from my iPad
>>On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:57 PM, "David Andrews" <dandrews at visi.com> wrote:
>> > I don't know what the norms are at health centers, they didn't 
>> offer birth control stuff when I was in school, back in early 
>> 70's.  You could go to drugstore, and ask, what I always did.  And 
>> -- for what it's worth, I remember some of my sighted fraternity 
>> brothers agonizing over how to procure condoms.  And ... then 
>> there was the famous scene in  the movie The Summer of '42.
>> >
>> > Dave
>> >
>> > At 10:39 PM 9/7/2012, you wrote:
>> >> Hello,
>> >> Bring a condom... I still haven't heard about condoms being 
>> offered in High schools, but Colleges do have free Condoms and 
>> lube in their health centers.
>> >> I've never gone in to ask for a condom at one of those places, 
>> that is something I would like to hear experiences from other people on.
>> >> Is there a tactful way of asking for a free condom at a health 
>> center? I can go and ask point blank, but that feels to me like I 
>> would be seen as the horny blind guy. Especially if I came in 
>> there every few months...
>> >> Perhaps I can go in for a flue shot and when I finish if there 
>> is few people there, ask for a tour of the condoms?
>> >> Or do people try and get their friends to go with them and show 
>> them around? I could also ask my mobility instructor to show me.
>> >> Do people know what would be most socially acceptable?
>> >> It is my opinion that a guy should not even consider having sex 
>> unless he has a condom. It's very much the man's responsibility to 
>> make sure he has protection for his gender.
>> >>
>> >> Does anyone also know of a good website to buy condoms and 
>> other things off of? I know my parents stopped using condoms 
>> before the internet really became big because my brother is 16. I 
>> doubt they are any help there...
>> >
>> >
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