[nabs-l] Fwd: [BNU] Announcement: April 2013 Chat information

Zachary N. Griego-Dreicer zdreicer at gmail.com
Sat Apr 27 13:40:43 UTC 2013

Sent from my iPhone Using voice over

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Joseph Lee <joseph.lee22590 at gmail.com>
> Date: April 25, 2013, 1:41:06 PM MDT
> To: braillenote <braillenote at freelists.org>
> Subject: [BNU] Announcement: April 2013 Chat information
> Reply-To: joseph.lee22590 at gmail.com
> Hi folks,
> Sorry for this late notice again...
> Here's the official invitation announcement for April 2013 BrailleNote
> Users Chat:
> Dear BrailleNote Users, HumanWare staff and others:
> We at BrailleNote Users would like to cordially invite you to the next
> BrailleNote Users Chat to be held on April 27, 2013. The BrailleNote
> Users Chat is designed to allow BrailleNote users around the world to
> come and talk to each other on recent BrailleNOte-related
> developments, as well as a forum for communicating between users and
> manufacturer.
> To accommodate various modes of chat communication, two sessions of
> the chat will be offered:
> 1. Skype: April 27, 2013 at 10 AM Pacific, 11 AM Mountain, 12 PM
> Central, 1 PM Eastern, 17:00 UTC. Host ID will be ucr2012 and is
> designed for people who use Skype, a popular voice chat software for
> PC's, Mac, iPhone and other platforms.
> 2. Phone: April 27m 2913 at 4 PM Pacific, 5 PM Mountain, 6 PM Central,
> 7 PM Eastern, 23:00 UTC. This is designed for phone users. Before
> start of chat, call 218-936-2099 (Conversation Station), select live
> rooms, then enter 284# (pound) to enter our BrailleNote chat room.
> For those who would like to join either sessions and wish to use their
> BrailleNote can add braillenoteusers at gmail.com to your addressbook and
> start chatting with a relay person.
> Hope to see you their on Saturday!!!
> Sincerely,
> Joseph Lee
> On behalf of BrailleNote Users listserv
> -------------------------------
> BNU: BrailleNote Users - a forum for users of BrailleNote family of products from Humanware.
> Website: www.braillenoteusers.info
> IMPORTANT: By default, replies will be sent to individuals. If you feel that your reply would be useful for others, please use "reply to all" feature in your email client.
> If you wish to unsubscribe from this list, send an email with the subject line of "unsubscribe" to braillenote-request at freelists.org.
> You can also visit our list page at:
> www.freelists.org/list/braillenote
> From this page, you can unsubscribe, change email delivery settings and view list archives.
> If you have any comments or questions for list moderators, please send an email to braillenote-moderators at freelists.org. Thanks.

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