[nabs-l] Accessibility of Share Point, One Note, and Voice Thread
Leye-Shprintse Öberg
leyeshprintse at inbox.com
Tue Dec 24 15:52:04 UTC 2013
This term, I'm using VoiceThread.com in my English A course at the the Mid-Sweden University and I don't Think that site is accessible at all. I haven't been able to use the standard site, I use a Windos 8 laptob with Jaws 14, and on their accessible part of the sight I'm only able to leave text comments. I need to send the link to the VoiceThreads I'll use to my sister so that she can add them on my account. Then, I leave text comments on the accessible page with links to my DropBox to my teacher, we use the voice comments in my courses. Anyway, it isn't a fun site to work with at all, I'm so happy that I only have four weeks left this term. *Yayay* I'm glad tough that some people have got the site to work but I don't Think that makes the site accessible, it only shows that some people have more energy to find ways to work with it.
Leye-Shprintse Öberg
Stockholm, Sweden
"Shemah Yisroel, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad."
- Devarim 6:4
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