[nabs-l] Forum for discussing social/emotional issues with other blind folks

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 21:31:16 UTC 2013

Hi all,
A while back some of us talked about creating a list on YahooGroups or
GoogleGroups where blind students and mentors could talk about
sexuality and social issues. I am wondering if we should go ahead and
create this list to be a separate place from NABS-L and one where the
topic is a bit more relaxed so that people could post about
relationship issues, family difficulties etc. If the list is hosted on
YahooGroups, the archives will be private so no one who is not
subscribed will be able to read the content of the list (and
GoogleGroups might be that way too; I'd have to check).
The NFB lists tend to be a little strict about topic since they are
publicly archived and since they are intended to be about a very
specific topic. However that doesn't mean we can't create a separate
list that is more of a support group rather than a place to obtain
Does someone want to go ahead and do this?

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