[nabs-l] Hello. Wanted to post something to the list.

Carly Mihalakis carlymih at comcast.net
Mon Feb 18 21:37:32 UTC 2013

Good morning, Desiree,

Very well said. If potential employers expect their employees not to 
be honest about their skeletons then, I say piss on 'em!! At 01:17 PM 
2/18/2013, Desiree Oudinot wrote:
>Hi Kurt,
>You're right, and I wasn't trying to minimize the fact that employers
>do try to get a sense of what their potential employees will be like
>by doing google searches. But, in my opinion, everyone has skeletons
>in their closets, and, as long as you're not promoting anything
>illegal or immoral through your online presence, if you're not hired
>for expressing yourself, I can't say it would be any great loss. The
>irony is, of course, that I'm saying this, knowing full well that an
>employer just might see it and dismiss my attitude as flippant, and
>that doesn't bother me in the slightest.
>On 2/18/13, Kirt Manwaring <kirt.crazydude at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >   I've been kind of watching this thing play out from a distance and I
> > really think I can respect basically all of the positions people have
> > taken here.
> >   Desiree, in today's world, it's much more likely that potential
> > employers will do a google search for a likely job candidate's name
> > and see what comes up than...well, than ever in human history.  I
> > think it's standard procedure for lots of companies to do precisely
> > that, if I'm not mistaken.  It's not quite like hearing some random
> > person confessing their life full of sin and misery in a shopping mall
> > and realizing that, much to your chagrin, that's the person you were
> > thinking about hiring.  Lots of companies will deliberately do
> > searches on the internet for specific job aplicants and see what comes
> > up.  So it's very possible, even slightly likely, this could be seen.
> >   On the other hand, I know what it's like to feel as though you have
> > absolutely nowhere to turn and you just need someone, anyone, who
> > might possibly understand.  If you're honestly at that point, as I
> > have been before, I think it's fair to legitimately throw protocol out
> > the window if you really feel like there's nowhere else to turn which,
> > by the way, is probably not true but, believe me, it feels like it can
> > be.  I don't judge, farbeit from me to condemn when I've been in
> > similar situations (although I handled them slightly differently), but
> > I thinkn it's just very important to be aware that, if people are
> > deliberately looking for information about you on the internet, this
> > stuff can show up pretty high in the search results.  I've searched
> > for myself on the internet and seen all sorts of things...if I'd had a
> > mind to do a bit more digging, (as a rapidly growing number of
> > employers do), I'm sure I'd be kind of embarrassed by some of the
> > things I'd find...but, if you're aware, and you understand that there
> > is a strong possibility that what you write here will be read later, I
> > can't fault you for deciding to open up like this if you feel like
> > there's nowhere else to go.
> >   David, I know how real and powerful depression is because it's a
> > condition with which I'm all too familiar.  Feel free to write me
> > off-list, any time, if you need someone to talk to.
> >   Best regards,
> > Kirt
> >
> > On 2/18/13, Dave Webster <dwebster125 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Oh do you struggle with depression as well?  If you want maybe we can
> >> mail
> >> and or talk off list.  Let me know.
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Desiree
> >> Oudinot
> >> Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 11:25 AM
> >> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> >> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Hello. Wanted to post something to the list.
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >> I, too, have often wished that there was a list for discussing personal
> >> and
> >> emotional problems as they relate to blindness. It's not necessarily that
> >> the problems we face are different, but more often than not, there is
> >> another dimension to explain. For example, if I went to see a counselor
> >> about my depression, the first thing they would probably tell me is that
> >> I
> >> need to get out more. That's the easiest thing in the world for the
> >> average
> >> sighted person who has a car and a job to say, after all. But in my case,
> >> it's not that simple.
> >> I live in a rural area where there's no public transportation or
> >> Paratransit
> >> service. If I want to go somewhere, my parents are the ones who decide
> >> that,
> >> despite the fact that I'm an adult, and, being an adult, this is one of
> >> my
> >> greatest frustrations, being controlled in this way. A counselor would
> >> probably just shrug and say, "suck it up, not everyone has a car,
> >> either."
> >> They're only human too. How can they be empathetic if they haven't
> >> experienced something similar? I would like the perspective of a fellow
> >> blind person who's gone through something similar, so that maybe they
> >> could
> >> tell me how they overcame it. How they moved out with no support,
> >> because,
> >> without going too far into it, my parents don't want me to do that, and I
> >> can't exactly hire a moving van and drive it.  I have no one to turn to
> >> with
> >> these problems, so having a support group of sorts would be nice.
> >>
> >> On 2/18/13, Ari Damoulakis <aridamoulakis at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> I agree
> >>> David is blind, so I think there should be some sort of blind list
> >>> where he can discuss these things, because, like it or not, the fact
> >>> of blindness sometimes does play a role. Obviously there are
> >>> mainstream services he can turn to, but maybe the blindness factor
> >>> adds something to the support David is looking for.
> >>> I for example, there are many crises and things I would like answers
> >>> and help with. There are many mainstream lists for the particular
> >>> crisis and questions I have, but I want more a disabled and blindness
> >>> point of view, or a disabled support group in dealing with my specific
> >>> crisis I'm going through at the moment, but I just can't find one.
> >>> Ari
> >>>
> >>> On 2/18/13, Carly Mihalakis <carlymih at comcast.net> wrote:
> >>>> Good morning, List,
> >>>>
> >>>> Lay off our good buddy, Dave! Too often it is a social protocol to
> >>>> act like a machine, forever using pallid, impersonal terms for
> >>>> expressing oneself. Don't people think there are enough of us,
> >>>> forgoing emotion to express themselves, just so what they say fits
> >>>> into somebody's box,is snug within somebody's form? And, in terms of
> >>>> Dave's reaching out, in his state of personal crisis, to his blind
> >>>> peers, Not a reason for crucifixion, I dare say.
> >>>> He's simply groping for support, and answers. I would think this List
> >>>> a more supportive place, to air such crisies of the spirit? No?
> >>>> I guess in this case, we are family, but only to a point.:00 PM
> >>>> 2/13/2013, Elizabeth Mohnke wrote:
> >>>>>Hello Desiree and List,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I completely understand the need to express one's personal emotions.
> >>>>>However, I do not believe a public email list where the purpose is to
> >>>>>discuss issues related to being a blind student is the most
> >>>>>appropriate place to express such personal emotions. I believe
> >>>>>personal matters are meant to be kept private, and today's role of
> >>>>>social media has conditioned us to be more public with our private
> >>>>> lives.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I agree with Arielle in that I believe what David is going through is
> >>>>>rather common among the general public. However, I believe there are
> >>>>>more effective ways in dealing with these issues rather than simply
> >>>>>posting a mass email on an email list intended for blind students.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>There are several different hotlines where one can receive support
> >>>>>for these specific issues, and can sometimes refer you to other local
> >>>>>resources for ongoing support. I cannot recall any specific hotlines
> >>>>>at the moment, but a simple internet search should provide some
> >>>>>resources.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>If you are looking for counseling regarding the loss of a loved one,
> >>>>>a local hospital should be able to provide you with some local
> >>>>>resources to help support you during your loss. They may also be able
> >>>>>to provide information regarding support groups for bipolar disorder
> >>>>>as well.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Other resources you may wish to check out include 211 and domestic
> >>>>>violence crisis centers. The 211 service is a local service number
> >>>>>that lists various community services. And although your personal
> >>>>>situation with your girlfriend would not be classified as domestic
> >>>>>violence, a crisis center may be able to provide you with some
> >>>>>resources you can use to deal with your current relationship problem
> >>>>>as well as give you some tools for building healthy relationships in
> >>>>>the future.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Finally, if you are a student, there are generally counselors on
> >>>>>campus who can help you through emotional -term problems which
> >>>>>prevent you from being a successful student. Services may range from
> >>>>>personal counseling to referral services to other resources in the
> >>>>>community.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>So while I believe expressing one's emotions is a rather healthy
> >>>>>thing to do, it can be more helpful and beneficial to express them
> >>>>>among a selected group of individuals rather than simply sharing them
> >>>>>with the whole entire world.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Respectfully,
> >>>>>Elizabeth
> >>>>>
> >>>>>--------------------------------------------------
> >>>>>From: "Desiree Oudinot" <turtlepower17 at gmail.com>
> >>>>>Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:44 PM
> >>>>>To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
> >>>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
> >>>>>Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Hello. Wanted to post something to the list.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>hi Elizabeth,
> >>>>>>Your message wasn't directed at me, but I would like to come to
> >>>>>>Dave's defense here a bit, since I also shared some personal things
> >>>>>>about myself in my previous messages on this topic.
> >>>>>>I'm sorry, but if an employer takes the time to hunt through the
> >>>>>>archives of this list, and chooses not to hire me because I slipped
> >>>>>>and let a bit of emotion show, that's really their loss. I can't
> >>>>>>tell you how angry it makes me that most people in our society place
> >>>>>>no value whatsoever on one's emotional state. When I was growing up,
> >>>>>>I was told, in many different ways and by many people, directly and
> >>>>>>indirectly, that expressing emotions is bad and that I would be a
> >>>>>>failure in life for having them. As I've gotten older, I have seen
> >>>>>>how so many people go through their lives, hating their jobs, hating
> >>>>>>their lives, distrusting everyone, and all of this is a direct
> >>>>>>result of suppressing emotions. I could make a solid case for the
> >>>>>>fact that everything, from violence to infidelity in marriages to
> >>>>>>job dissatisfaction, is directly related to this, but I know this
> >>>>>>list isn't the place to go that deep into philosophical issues. What
> >>>>>>I feel needs to be said is that exposing a so-called weakness,
> >>>>>>reaching out in desperation because you don't know where to turn,
> >>>>>>shouldn't be a cause to jump down someone's throat. I'm not saying
> >>>>>>that's what you did, but I also feel that what Dave and I and a
> >>>>>>couple others did was not inherently wrong. I don't think it will
> >>>>>>doom us or cause immediate and permanent backlash.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>On 2/13/13, Elizabeth Mohnke <lizmohnke at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>Hello David,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>I do not mean to minimize the pain of your personal situation, but
> >>>>>>>I am  not
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>quite sure if this list is the appropriate place to share the
> >>>>>>>intimate details of your personal relationship.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>The emails you post to this email list are stored in a public
> >>>>>>> archive.
> >>>>>>> This
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>means that not only can your emails be viewed by those who are
> >>>>>>>subscribed  to
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>this email list, but they can be viewed by anyone who has access to
> >>>>>>>the internet. With this in mind, you may wish to think twice about
> >>>>>>>sharing  such
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>personal information about yourself on this email list.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>In addition, the purpose of this email list is to discuss matters
> >>>>>>>that  are relevant to being a blind student. Please forgive me, but
> >>>>>>>I fail to see  how
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>disclosing intimate details regarding a personal relationship
> >>>>>>>relates  to  the
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>intended purpose of this email list. I can see how relationships in
> >>>>>>>general
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>could be a relevant topic for this list, but I do not see how a
> >>>>>>>specific
> >>>>>>>individual detailed relationship problem would be   considered
> >>>>>>> appropriate
> >>>>>>>for this email list.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>Again, I am sorry to hear you are having such difficulties in your
> >>>>>>>personal
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>life, but I believe the intimate details of your personal
> >>>>>>>relationship  would
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>be more suited for conversations that take place in private emails
> >>>>>>>rather than in a public email list.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>Respectfully,
> >>>>>>>Elizabeth
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>--------------------------------------------------
> >>>>>>>From: "Dave Webster" <dwebster125 at gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 4:08 PM
> >>>>>>>To: "'National Association of Blind Students mailing list'"
> >>>>>>><nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
> >>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Hello. Wanted to post something to the list.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Hi Katie thanks for the post.  I wanted to talk a bit about what
> >>>>>>>>actually happened between us.  I found everything out last night.
> >>>>>>>>I had to  really really talk to Terri about it.  She finally told
> >>>>>>>>me.  She said that  there were some things about me that she
> >>>>>>>>thought she could handle in the beginning but when she through
> >>>>>>>>about it and when it actually happened she didn't think she could.
> >>>>>>>>One of the things was the crying spells I go through.  I suffer
> >>>>>>>>from bipolar and my bipolar is more on the depressed side.  My
> >>>>>>>>grandma past away just about 3 weeks ago and that's when the
> >>>>>>>>depression and the  crying spells really started.  It was hard for
> >>>>>>>>her because the crying spells were so intense and I would cry so
> >>>>>>>>hard, and I still do because this relationship didn't work out,
> >>>>>>>>but when my grandma died I would cry really hard.
> >>>>>>>> Some
> >>>>>>>>times they would last a wile.  She wanted to tell me before that
> >>>>>>>>she didn't think she could handle those but she didn't.  when she
> >>>>>>>>finally did  tell me that's when she broke it off and before she
> >>>>>>>>told me that's when she started talking to this other person.  If
> >>>>>>>>she would have said something in the beginning it would have been
> >>>>>>>>easier.  I guess she felt like she was on egg shells because she
> >>>>>>>>would talk about her grand parents or her family  and I'd start to
> >>>>>>>>cry.  I guess it was just really really hard for her.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
> >>>>>>>>From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Kaiti
> >>>>>>>>Shelton
> >>>>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:17 PM
> >>>>>>>>To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> >>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Hello. Wanted to post something to the list.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Hi all,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>I've just finished a long distance relationship by way of ditching
> >>>>>>>>the distance.  I met my boyfriend of almost two years at a summer
> >>>>>>>>music program we both attended several years ago.  We really hit
> >>>>>>>>it off the summer before my senior year and made the best of the
> >>>>>>>>long distance situation.  We  were both in school and involved in
> >>>>>>>>clubs and band and stuff, but we made  it work the best we could.
> >>>>>>>>On our breaks he would come down to visit, and he even came for my
> >>>>>>>>senior prom so we could go together.  (Despite all our  blind
> >>>>>>>>moments we had with trying to find our way around unfamiliar
> >>>>>>>>territory with a lot of people in the room it was really fun).
> >>>>>>>>Last semester he finished up at his local community college and
> >>>>>>>>worked on transfering to a university in the same city as mine.
> >>>>>>>>Now instead of living 300 miles away from  me and in another state
> >>>>>>>>our universities are pretty close and we can see each other every
> >>>>>>>>few weeks.  Sure, we don't get to see each other every day, but
> >>>>>>>>with school for both of us it can't really be helped and it's a
> >>>>>>>>lot better than every few months.
> >>>>>>>>I don't necessarily think being blind or sighted has anything to
> >>>>>>>>do  with the relationship.  As Mauricio and others have said it
> >>>>>>>>all boils down to preference of both people in the relationship,
> >>>>>>>>their communication skills, their patience for being in a long
> >>>>>>>>distance relationship, and a lot of other factors.  I do agree
> >>>>>>>>that sometimes blind people appear to enter into text-based
> >>>>>>>>relationships and get wrapped up in them more often than sighted
> >>>>>>>>people and this can sometimes be problematic, but otherwise
> >>>>>>>>blindness  is just a trait, not a personality trait or something
> >>>>>>>>that really is important in a relationship.  I don't think long
> >>>>>>>>distance relationships are bad,  or that they just don't work.
> >>>>>>>>They're not for everyone, but if you're committed and patient and
> >>>>>>>>the other person is too it can actually strengthen the
> >>>>>>>>relationship.  I know I appreciate my situation now, and
> >>>>>>>>appreciated the times when my boyfriend would come to visit,
> >>>>>>>>because they were priviledges for both of us.
> >>>>>>>>High school long distance relationships sort of have their own
> >>>>>>>>restrictions, especially the further apart the people in the
> >>>>>>>>relationship are.  It always made me sad when my friends in high
> >>>>>>>>school would complain about not seeing their boyfriends over the
> >>>>>>>>weekend, or if they would question if they'd keep the relationship
> >>>>>>>>going once they and their boyfriend started going to different
> >>>>>>>>colleges in different cities because it seemed like they  really
> >>>>>>>>didn't appreciate the time they spent with their boyfriend or were
> >>>>>>>>really willing to make things work.
> >>>>>>>>School schedules, activities like sports and clubs, and family
> >>>>>>>>life  keep high school kids busy.  With the set schedules it's not
> >>>>>>>>like college where the people can meet for lunch or go out to
> >>>>>>>>dinner after or between classes.
> >>>>>>>>It's also a matter of transportation; bus tickets, gas, and
> >>>>>>>>certainly plane tickets cost money.  Of course I champion that the
> >>>>>>>>goal of a long distance relationship should be to make it short
> >>>>>>>>distance assuming everything works out, but if that can't happen
> >>>>>>>>easily for transportation, money, and school reasons than you
> >>>>>>>>might as well be as happy as possible together and  make things
> >>>>>>>>work as it sounds like Sophie is doing.  It's just the  practical
> >>>>>>>>thing to do considering the circumstances.  Kudos!
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>On 2/12/13, Desiree Oudinot <turtlepower17 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>I hope I didn't come off as saying that long distance
> >>>>>>>>>relationships are bad. I didn't mean to. While this is still a
> >>>>>>>>>very emotional topic for me, I fully respect the fact that for
> >>>>>>>>>others, they don't go through what I went through. All I was
> >>>>>>>>>trying to convey is that you should really keep both eyes, ears,
> >>>>>>>>>and your heart and soul open when going into these situations.
> >>>>>>>>>then again, if people thought deeply  when going into any
> >>>>>>>>>relationship, no matter how near or far the other person is, they
> >>>>>>>>>might have more success. On the other hand, being overly
> >>>>>>>>>analytical, as I have a tendency to be, has its drawbacks, namely
> >>>>>>>>>that I go around and around in endless circles in my head, never
> >>>>>>>>>being able to draw any conclusion, endlessly agonizing over every
> >>>>>>>>>possible detail of things until I feel like I could explode.
> >>>>>>>>>I understand, to a degree, what you're dealing with. I deal with
> >>>>>>>>>depression and anxiety as well, and have for most of my life, so
> >>>>>>>>>I know how people react to that news. In my last relationship,
> >>>>>>>>>the guy  I was with liked to tell me how weak I was for being
> >>>>>>>>>depressed, and how I was unable to handle everyday stresses. Yet,
> >>>>>>>>>he was on medications for depression and anxiety as well, so he
> >>>>>>>>>was being quite hypocritical.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>On 2/12/13, Sophie Trist <sweetpeareader at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>Um... I'M IN FREAKING HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if you
> >>>>>>>>>>didn't know that... it just made me feel a little awkward. And,
> >>>>>>>>>>if you don't mind Koby, I'd rather not share the personal
> >>>>>>>>>>details of  the relationship.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>  ----- Original Message -----
> >>>>>>>>>>From: "Koby Cox" <kobycox at gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>To: "'National Association of Blind Students mailing list'"
> >>>>>>>>>><nabs-l at nfbnet.org
> >>>>>>>>>>Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 19:31:37 -0600
> >>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Hello.  Wanted to post something to the
> >>>>>>>>>> list.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>Sophie,
> >>>>>>>>>>Are you guys engaged or can you tell me more about your alls
> >>>>>>>>>>relation ship?
> >>>>>>>>>>Thanks,
> >>>>>>>>>>Koby.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
> >>>>>>>>>>From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
> >>>>>>>>>>Sophie Trist
> >>>>>>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 6:56 PM
> >>>>>>>>>>To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> >>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Hello. Wanted to post something to the list.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>Sarah, long distance relationships can work. My boyfriend lives
> >>>>>>>>>>in Australia and we have been going out for over a year. We just
> >>>>>>>>>>chat through the phone and texts and stuff. We've een each other
> >>>>>>>>>>since we started being a couple. It's different, but it's
> >>>>>>>>>>feasible. A few bad experiences isn't enough to say you hate
> >>>>>>>>>>relationships. I believe that there is someone out there for
> >> everyone; it just takes time.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>Sincerely,
> >>>>>>>>>>Sophie
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>  ----- Original Message -----
> >>>>>>>>>>From: Sarah <coastergirl92 at gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>To: National Association of Blind Students mailing
> >>>>>>>>>>list<nabs-l at nfbnet.org Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 14:15:34
> >>>>>>>>>>-0800
> >>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Hello.  Wanted to post something to the
> >>>>>>>>>> list.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>I cry every day.  I hate relationships, especially long whtance
> >>>>>>>>>>ones they never work.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>  ----- Original Message -----
> >>>>>>>>>>From: "Dave Webster" <dwebster125 at gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>To: "'National Association of Blind Students mailing list'"
> >>>>>>>>>><nabs-l at nfbnet.org
> >>>>>>>>>>Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 14:13:11 -0800
> >>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Hello.  Wanted to post something to the
> >>>>>>>>>> list.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>Yea thanks.  I think she did get scared but we had actually
> >>>>>>>>>>talked about that.  I mean hopefully we can talk but I'm not
> >>>>>>>>>>sure.  Its gonna take some time to get over this.  I've been
> >>>>>>>>>>going through a  lot of crying spells.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
> >>>>>>>>>>From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
> >>>>>>>>>>Gloria  G
> >>>>>>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:55 AM
> >>>>>>>>>>To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> >>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Hello.  Wanted to post something to the
> >>>>>>>>>> list.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>Hi,
> >>>>>>>>>>I am so sorry that happened to you.  You seem like a really nice
> >>>>>>>>>>guy and I think she just got scared.  Maybe after things cool
> >>>>>>>>>>off you guys can talk and figure out what happened.  Well I hope
> >>>>>>>>>>you feel better.  Try doing something that is fun for you just
> >>>>>>>>>>to get your mind off things.
> >>>>>>>>>>----- Original Message -----
> >>>>>>>>>>From: "Dave Webster" <dwebster125 at gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>To: "'National Association of Blind Students mailing list'"
> >>>>>>>>>><nabs-l at nfbnet.org
> >>>>>>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 1:44 PM
> >>>>>>>>>>Subject: [nabs-l] Hello.  Wanted to post something to the list.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>  Hello all.  I'm Dave.  I am not a student right now.  I have
> >>>>>>>>>>bipolar and am unable to handle the stress of going to school.
> >>>>>>>>>>I know that this may be off the topic of this list but I wanted
> >>>>>>>>>>to post it anyhow.
> >>>>>>>>>>  I just got out of a relationship.  It was a long distance one
> >>>>>>>>>>whare she lives in Michigan and I in California.  We started
> >>>>>>>>>>talking at  the beginning of January right after new years.  We
> >>>>>>>>>>didn't mean to but  we started to hit it off really really well.
> >>>>>>>>>>About a week or so later she bought plane tickets for me to come
> >>>>>>>>>>out there to Michigan to see her.  If I liked it out there then
> >>>>>>>>>>I was most likely gonna stay and be  with her.  Right now I live
> >>>>>>>>>>in a board and care facility.  It turns  out that for a couple
> >>>>>>>>>>of weeks probably when she bought the tickets or  pretty soonn
> >>>>>>>>>>after she began having doubts and fears about the  relationship.
> >>>>>>>>>>I had my doubts and had my fears as well and knew this  was a
> >>>>>>>>>>normal thing.  We talked about them but a few days later she
> >>>>>>>>>>called the relationship off because there were some symptoms
> >>>>>>>>>>which  were rather minor ones that she said she couldn't handle.
> >>>>>>>>>>It turns  out that she is now tomorrow going to see this  guy in
> >>>>>>>>>>Colorado.
> >>>>>>>>>>Mind
> >>>>>>>>>>  you she doesn't know this guy and she didn't know me either
> >>>>>>>>>>but I feel  like we had something.  I feel like my emotions were
> >>>>>>>>>>played with and  I'm really hurt.  I was just wondering if any
> >>>>>>>>>>of you who want to could  help me through this.  I've been going
> >>>>>>>>>>through a lot of crying spells.
> >>>>>>>>>>  During this time on January 10th I lost my grandma.  She was
> >>>>>>>>>>90  and had bad dementia and died in her sleep on the evening of
> >>>>>>>>>>the tenth.
> >>>>>>>>>>  So I am trying to work with 2 losses right after another.
> >>>>>>>>>>Loosing my
> >>>>>>>>>>  grandma and loosing Terri.  Terri was someone that I could
> >>>>>>>>>>love  and did love and still do.  I wish she wouldn't go to
> >>>>>>>>>>Colorado.
> >>>>>>>>>>  This guy that she's going to see has anxiety and depression as
> >>>>>>>>>>well and she found him on a sight for people with mental
> >>>>>>>>>>illnesses.
> >>>>>>>>>>Maybe
> >>>>>>>>>>  if any of you want to we could talk off list.  I've been going
> >>>>>>>>>>through  a lot of crying spells and sometimes I need help
> >>>>>>>>>>through them.
> >>>>>>>>>>My
> >>>>>>>>>>  friends, which by the way I don't have a lot of I feel like
> >>>>>>>>>>they  may not be able to understand what's going on.  I feel
> >>>>>>>>>>like I wasn't  good enough for her.  I'm just really really
> >>>>>>>>>>hurt.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>  _______________________________________________
> >>>>>>>>>>  nabs-l mailing list
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> >>>>>>>>m
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> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>--
> >>>>>>>>Kaiti
> >>>>>>>>
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> >>>>>>>>
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> >>> nabs-l:
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> >>> ail.com
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> >>
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> >> nabs-l mailing list
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> >> nabs-l at nfbnet.org
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> > nabs-l at nfbnet.org
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> > nabs-l:
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