[nabs-l] netflixsays "no" to audio description
Mauricio Almeida
mauriciopmalmeida at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 17:19:43 UTC 2013
Hello valerie,
Thank you very much for taking the words out of my mouth for me.
I believe the cause is great though I wouldnt use those features, but
while we dont understand that the hey we are big and bad and we shall
smack you until you die and do what we force you to mentality is, as
doctor maurer Always says, a last case scenario, and should not
replace advocacy, we will get no where. it is time people start doing
what is going to bring us long term victories, not what will make us
look aggressive.
On 7/15/13, Valerie Gibson <valandkayla at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think one of the problems with the NFB is our reputation for being "sue
> happy".
> And with the last email, I see where we get that rep, seeing as it was the
> first response to something like this. In the link, it seems that only one
> netflix representative was spoken to. Why not ask, via email or phone, if
> there is anyone to which one can speak to figure out how you can colaborate
> to making netflix movies descriptive.
> My personal opinion, you're not going to get much headway with this. This
> issue doesn't affect all blind people, and so not all blind people are going
> to be on board with this.
> As some may know, i'm interested in becoming a certified dog trainer, and
> one could argue that that doesn't affect all blind people. owever it is a
> potential job prospect, which affects income, and jobs and income are not
> the same as the ability to have descriptive movies.
> Furthermore, not all blind people like movies in descriptive and find it
> destracting. Depending on the movie, i am one such person, so my thoughts
> here could be a little bias.
> Would it be nice for just the option to watch movies in descriptive? sure.
> But i think before we jump to "let's sue them", we should at least do
> something more passive. A petition perhaps?
> Just my thoughts.
> On Jul 15, 2013, at 10:13 AM, The weird writer <weirdwriter9891 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Netflix says "no" to audio description. why?
>> http://netflixproject.wordpress.com/2013/07/15/netflix-says-no-to-audio-description/
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