[nabs-l] Community service project at National Convention

Chris Parsons christine-parsons at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 3 00:44:12 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Will you be at National Convention in Orlando this year? Would you like to do some community service while you’re there?

The National Association of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC) is hosting its annual Braille Book Fair on Wednesday, July 3. As our convention service project this year, the Community Service Group is putting together a group to help out at the book fair.

Our group will be helping out from 5:00 to 6:00, which is during the event itself. Tasks that they need help with during this time include marshaling, working tables (supervising a section of books), and building boxes of books. If you are interested in participating in this service project, please let me know by sending an e-mail to Christine-parsons at sbcglobal.net with your name, your phone number, and what tasks you would be interested in doing. The deadline to let me know is June 1.

Not available from 5:00 to 6:00 but still want to help? Krystal Guillory, who is coordinating the Braille Book Fair this year, needs people to help out with various tasks, including sorting and moving books, setup, staffing the event itself, and cleanup, any time from 12:00 to 9:00. So if you won’t be available when the Community Service Group will be there, just send Krystal an e-mail at kguillory at lcb-ruston.com or call her at (318) 245-8955 and let her know that you want to help and at what time.

For those of you who will be there from 5:00 to 6:00, we are planning to meet and go out to dinner afterward as a group to socialize and reflect on the importance of our work and community service. We hope you will join us!

We are excited about our service project with the Braille Book Fair this year, and I look forward to hearing from those of you who want to help.

Chris Parsons 

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