May 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Wed May 1 01:57:09 UTC 2013
Ending: Fri May 31 21:50:24 UTC 2013
Messages: 695
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Greg Aikens
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated to oneanother
Greg Aikens
- [nabs-l] Mac book air or mac book pro?
Greg Aikens
- [nabs-l] Studying over seas
Greg Aikens
- [nabs-l] Online Courses
Frida Aizenman
- [nabs-l] Fwd: Call for Applicants for Summer Leadership Training Seminar in New York
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Do not miss this: Make the iPad accessible for the classroom!
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Accessible option to When is Good or a Google Docs Spreadsheet
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Fwd: [BANA-Announce] NLS Announces Braille Summit
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Fwd: Executive Products Inc - Notification Focus 14 Blue
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Fwd: Executive Products Inc - Notification Focus 14 Blue
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Fwd: NVDA screen reader News: New NV Access website launches today
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Fwd: NVDA screen reader News: Announcing the Release of NVDA 2013.1
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] BANA Accepts Two New Member Organizations and Approves Addition to Nemeth Code
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Fwd: [Home-on-the-range] Oklahoma Tornado
David Andrews
- [nabs-l] Fire Walls
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
- [nabs-l] FW: NVDA screen reader News: New NV Access website launches today
Humberto Avila
- [nabs-l] FW: NVDA screen reader News: Announcing the Release of NVDA 2013.1
Humberto Avila
- [nabs-l] Thinking Of Those in Oklahoma
Roanna Baccchus
- [nabs-l] Pausing audio files when working in other windows
Cindy Bennett
- [nabs-l] Fwd: [vi-kindle] New Accessibility Features to FreeKindle Reading iOS Apps
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] IPhone list for blind users?
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] quick question about blackboard
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Fw: [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote now blind accessible
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote now blind accessible
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote nowblindaccessible
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote now blindaccessible
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Fwd: NOPBC Style Show Application
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Using Firefox
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Blind Composer
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Blind Composer
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] making Spotify Completely accessible
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Studying over seas
Brandon Keith Biggs
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Ryan Bishop
- [nabs-l] test message, is this coming through?
Ryan Bishop
- [nabs-l] Descriptive videos
Winona Brackett
- [nabs-l]
Winona Brackett
- [nabs-l] Online Courses
Winona Brackett
- [nabs-l] Online Courses
Winona Brackett
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Misty Dawn Bradley
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Misty Dawn Bradley
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Misty Dawn Bradley
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Misty Dawn Bradley
- [nabs-l] Studying over seas
Misty Dawn Bradley
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Misty Dawn Bradley
- [nabs-l] Online Courses
Misty Dawn Bradley
- [nabs-l] I Am Looking To Find a Roomate
Trey Bradley
- [nabs-l] I Am Looking For A Roomate
Trey Bradley
- [nabs-l] I Am Looking For A Roomate
Trey Bradley
- [nabs-l] the test accomodations
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] braille note and visual monitor was the test accomodations
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] the test accomodations
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] Office
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] Office
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] blogging
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] blogging
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] blogging
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] blogging
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote now blindaccessible
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote nowblindaccessible
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated tooneanother
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelatedtooneanother
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelatedtooneanother
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] Test
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] Okay, now I'm having problems with Google!
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] formatting and printing from braille note
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] using active synch on braille note
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Ashley Bramlett
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Dan Burke
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Dan Burke
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Dan Burke
- [nabs-l] Epub books on the VictorReader Stream?
Dan Burke
- [nabs-l] Epub books on the VictorReader Stream?
Dan Burke
- [nabs-l] Cafe Scribe
Hannah Chadwick
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
- [nabs-l] NVDA
Ashley Coleman
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Koby Cox
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Koby Cox
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated to one another
Koby Cox
- [nabs-l] history descriptive movies
Jeff Crouch
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Anjelina Cruz
- [nabs-l] A possible helpful link for those traveling to convention this summer
Anjelina Cruz
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
- [nabs-l] I Am Looking For A Roomate
James P. Dickman
- [nabs-l] I Am Looking To Find a Roomate
James P. Dickman
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another Stupid Message About update from Google
Peter Donahue
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Aleeha Dudley
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Aleeha Dudley
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Aleeha Dudley
- [nabs-l] Calling All Students, Creative Minds Are Wanted
David Dunphy
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
David Dunphy
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
David Dunphy
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
David Dunphy
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
David Dunphy
- [nabs-l] download link for the nabs may philosophy call
David Dunphy
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
David Dunphy
- [nabs-l] The National Association of Blind StudentsPresents: The Basics of NFB Philosophy
David Dunphy
- [nabs-l] Converting AA files to mp3
David Dunphy
- [nabs-l] Pausing audio files when working in other windows
Mary Fernandez
- [nabs-l] citation question
Mary Fernandez
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Mary Fernandez
- [nabs-l] Studying over seas
Mary Fernandez
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Mary Fernandez
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Mary Fernandez
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Mary Fernandez
- [nabs-l] NFB national convention roommate
Hannah Furney
- [nabs-l] Video
Gloria G
- [nabs-l] Fire Walls
Gloria G
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Preston Gaylor
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Preston Gaylor
- [nabs-l] Dux Bury Program and a Braille Printer
Suzanne Germano
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
Suzanne Germano
- [nabs-l] Creating Folders in Pages for the iPad
Suzanne Germano
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Suzanne Germano
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Suzanne Germano
- [nabs-l] quick question about blackboard
Valerie Gibson
- [nabs-l] Office
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] English Composition 2, summer class
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] Is Anyone Looking For A Roomate For Convention?
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] Fwd: URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] Is Anyone Looking For A Roomate For Convention?
Anna Givens
- [nabs-l] blogging
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] citation question
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] All-in-one Printers compatible with Kurzweil?
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] audio described TV shows
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] Fwd: URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] Attending CCB
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
melissa Green
- [nabs-l] Fwd: [vi-kindle] New Accessibility Features to FreeKindle Reading iOS Apps
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] quick question about blackboard
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l]
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] test message, is this coming through?
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] leaving for Europe tomorrow
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] NVDA
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated to one another
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] NVDA
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] [Possible Spam] National Convention Room ates?
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] I Am Looking For A Roomate
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] Was I supposed to introduce myself?
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] Fwd: URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] Fwd: URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Josh Gregory
- [nabs-l] NVDA
Zachary N. Griego-Dreicer
- [nabs-l] National Convention Room ates?
Ashley Griggs
- [nabs-l] RELast I checked I wasn't spam.
Ashley Griggs
- [nabs-l] Make the iPad accessible for the classroom!
Tony Grima
- [nabs-l] Student Seminar Suggestions
Jennifer Hall
- [nabs-l] Dux Bury Program and a Braille Printer
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
- [nabs-l] English Composition 2, summer class
- [nabs-l] advocacy advice to an grandmother
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
- [nabs-l] Blind Composer
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
- [nabs-l] test message, is this coming through?
Joshua Hendrickson
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Joshua Hendrickson
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Joshua Hendrickson
- [nabs-l] hi to all the new members, and did you all see andrews message about signing the patition to help the WIPA treaty?
Joshua Hendrickson
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Joshua Hendrickson
- [nabs-l] Blind Composer
Joshua Hendrickson
- [nabs-l] Blind Composer
Joshua Hendrickson
- [nabs-l] URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Joshua Hendrickson
- [nabs-l] Was I supposed to introduce myself?
Juanita Herrera
- [nabs-l] citation question
James Hulme
- [nabs-l] citation question
James Hulme
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Steve Jacobson
- [nabs-l] the test accomodations
- [nabs-l] Fwd: [vi-kindle] New Accessibility Features to Free Kindle Reading iOS Apps
- [nabs-l] Fwd: [vi-kindle] New Accessibility Features to FreeKindle Reading iOS Apps
- [nabs-l] Descriptive videos
- [nabs-l] blogging
- [nabs-l] Treasure Chest for the Blind
- [nabs-l] quick question about blackboard
- [nabs-l] audio described TV shows
- [nabs-l] audio described TV shows
- [nabs-l]
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
- [nabs-l] Epub books on the VictorReader Stream?
- [nabs-l] blogging
- [nabs-l] youth writing contest: Mitali Perkins
- [nabs-l] Article Roundup: The Art of Salary Negotiation
- [nabs-l] Waitlist Question
- [nabs-l] Before the Black: Dealing with Impending Blindness
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Bryan Jones
- [nabs-l] Mac book air or mac book pro?
- [nabs-l] Office
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote now blind accessible
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote now blindaccessible
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote nowblindaccessible
- [nabs-l] URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
- [nabs-l] Online Courses
- [nabs-l] Fwd: [vi-kindle] New Accessibility Features to Free Kindle Reading iOS Apps
Kerri Kosten
- [nabs-l] Is Anyone Looking For A Roomate For Convention?
Kerri Kosten
- [nabs-l] Is Anyone Looking For A Roomate For Convention?
Kerri Kosten
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] An Article about Blind Pole-vault athletes
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] Fwd: URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Miso Kwak
- [nabs-l] the test accomodations
Rania Ismail LMT
- [nabs-l] I Am Looking For A Roomate
Rania Ismail LMT
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Rania Ismail LMT
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Rania Ismail LMT
- [nabs-l] blogging
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] blogging
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] test message, is this coming through?
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] [Possible Spam] National Convention Room ates?
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] [Possible Spam] National Convention Room ates?
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] RELast I checked I wasn't spam.
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] Was I supposed to introduce myself?
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] Okay, now I'm having problems with Google!
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] Needing some advice!
Joshua Lester
- [nabs-l] Join the Conversation for Change — May 13-27, 2013
Lewis, Anil
- [nabs-l] creating and managing a blog using bloodspot, accessibility?
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
- [nabs-l] VoiceOver and Adobe Connect
- [nabs-l] Pausing audio files when working in other windows
Littlefield, Tyler
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] English Composition 2, summer class
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] English Composition 2, summer class
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] Block quotes in e-mails
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] IPhone list for blind users?
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] audio described TV shows
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote nowblindaccessible
Kirt Manwaring
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Julie McGinnity
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Julie McGinnity
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Julie McGinnity
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Julie McGinnity
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Julie McGinnity
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Julie McGinnity
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Julie McGinnity
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
Deb Mendelsohn
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
Deb Mendelsohn
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
Deb Mendelsohn
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
Deb Mendelsohn
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
Deb Mendelsohn
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Carly Mihalakis
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Carly Mihalakis
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Carly Mihalakis
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Carly Mihalakis
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Carly Mihalakis
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Carly Mihalakis
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Carly Mihalakis
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Carly Mihalakis
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
Carly Mihalakis
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Jedi Moerke
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Jedi Moerke
- [nabs-l] citation question
Elizabeth Mohnke
- [nabs-l] NFB Nontraditional Student to be Featured on Tonight's CBS Evening News
Elizabeth Mohnke
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Elizabeth Mohnke
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Elizabeth Mohnke
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Elizabeth Mohnke
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Elizabeth Mohnke
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Patrick Molloy
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
John Moore
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
John Moore
- [nabs-l] Descriptive videos
Sam Nelson
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] free screen reader review in the brale monitor.
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Accessible option to When is Good or a Google Docs Spreadsheet
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Pausing audio files when working in other windows
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] advocacy advice to an grandmother
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Creating Folders in Pages for the iPad
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] All-in-one Printers compatible with Kurzweil?
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] [spotifyblindbeta] Microsoft OneNote nowblindaccessible
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Was I supposed to introduce myself?
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Chris Nusbaum
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
Corbbmacc O'Connor
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelatedtooneanother
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelatedtooneanother
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Desiree Oudinot
- [nabs-l] test message, is this coming through?
Chelsea Page
- [nabs-l] [Possible Spam] National Convention Room ates?
Chelsea Page
- [nabs-l] Roommates needed for National convention
Chelsea Page
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Chelsea Page
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Chelsea Page
- [nabs-l] Community service project at National Convention
Chris Parsons
- [nabs-l] Online Courses
Hope Paulos
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Lillie Pennington
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Ian Perrault
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Jamie Principato
- [nabs-l] Waitlist Question
Jordan Richardson
- [nabs-l] Roommate for Convention
Jordan Richardson
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Daniel Romero
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Daniel Romero
- [nabs-l] word 1010
Rebecca Sabo
- [nabs-l] English Composition 2, summer class
Helga Schreiber
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Helga Schreiber
- [nabs-l] advocacy advice to an grandmother
Helga Schreiber
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Helga Schreiber
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Helga Schreiber
- [nabs-l] test message, is this coming through?
Helga Schreiber
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Helga Schreiber
- [nabs-l] Blind Composer
Helga Schreiber
- [nabs-l] audio described TV shows
Alexa Schwichow
- [nabs-l] Office
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] the test accomodations
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] the test accomodations
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] blogging
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] blogging
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Accessible option to When is Good or a Google Docs Spreadsheet
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Accessible option to When is Good or a Google Docs Spreadsheet
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Accessible option to When is Good or a Google Docs Spreadsheet
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Descriptive videos
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] English Composition 2, summer class
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Creating Folders in Pages for the iPad
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Pausing audio files when working in other windows
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Working around internet access on college campuses
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Working around internet access on college campuses
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] audio described TV shows
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] test message, is this coming through?
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated to one another
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] NVDA
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated to oneanother
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Was I supposed to introduce myself?
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Whitehouse Petition
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] Fwd: URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Kaiti Shelton
- [nabs-l] blogging
Jessica Silva
- [nabs-l] blogging
Jessica Silva
- [nabs-l] the test accomodations
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Fwd: [SDS] Call for Participants: Physical Disabilities and Identities of Resistance
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] advocacy advice to an grandmother
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Fwd: [SDS] Seeking participants for pilot study
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] citation question
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] citation question
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] citation question
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] All-in-one Printers compatible with Kurzweil?
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated to oneanother
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated tooneanother
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Waitlist Question
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Training Centers
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Training Centers
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Captia Advocacy Question
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Test
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Attending CCB
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Studying over seas
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Arielle Silverman
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Lucy Sirianni
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
Lucy Sirianni
- [nabs-l] Captia Advocacy Question
Lucy Sirianni
- [nabs-l] URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Lucy Sirianni
- [nabs-l] Announcing the NABS mentoring program
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Reminder: Announcing the NABS mentoring program
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] advocacy advice to an grandmother
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Fwd: News and Notes from the community Service group.
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] The National Association of Blind Students Presents: The Basics of NFB Philosophy
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Working around internet access on college campuses
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Can dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Working around internet access on college campuses
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] The National Association of Blind Students Presents: The Basics of NFB Philosophy
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Roomate request.
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Fwd: NOPBC Style Show Application
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] NFB Style Show Application (you guys actually do read what I send? :) )
Darian Smith
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Danielle Sykora
- [nabs-l] Room mates for national convention
Somaya Tarin
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] Descriptive videos
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] Getting an I-phone
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated to one another
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated to oneanother
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelated tooneanother
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Sophie Trist
- [nabs-l] citation question
Bridget Walker
- [nabs-l] quick question about blackboard
Bridget Walker
- [nabs-l] quick question about blackboard
Bridget Walker
- [nabs-l] All-in-one Printers compatible with Kurzweil?
Bridget Walker
- [nabs-l] I Am Looking For A Roomate
Bridget Walker
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Bridget Walker
- [nabs-l] URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Bridget Walker
- [nabs-l] using active synch on braille note
Bridget Walker
- [nabs-l] Online Courses
Bridget Walker
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
Katie Wang
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Katie Wang
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Katie Wang
- [nabs-l] Question on a Braille sign in Calculus
Wasif, Zunaira
- [nabs-l] Can dance if I want to?
Wasif, Zunaira
- [nabs-l] Can dance if I want to?
Wasif, Zunaira
- [nabs-l] FW: Blind Orgs Make PowerPoint Support a Reality in NVDA
Wasif, Zunaira
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
Wasif, Zunaira
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelatedtooneanother
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelatedtooneanother
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] Training Centers
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelatedtooneanother
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelatedtooneanother
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] two questions that are completely unrelatedtooneanother
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] Studying over seas
Dave Webster
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Kathryn Webster
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
Kathryn Webster
- [nabs-l] Fwd: URGENT: Bookshare Needs Your Help
Kathryn Webster
- [nabs-l] Mac book air or mac book pro?
Kathryn Webster
- [nabs-l] formatting and printing from braille note
Kathryn Webster
- [nabs-l] Online Courses
Kathryn Webster
- [nabs-l] creating and managing a blog using bloodspot, accessibility?
Laurel Wheeler
- [nabs-l] leaving for Europe tomorrow
Laurel Wheeler
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
Greg Wocher
- [nabs-l] All-in-one Printers compatible with Kurzweil?
Justin Young
- [nabs-l] All-in-one Printers compatible with Kurzweil?
Justin Young
- [nabs-l] NVDA
Justin Young
- [nabs-l] NVDA
Justin Young
- [nabs-l] Captia Advocacy Question
Justin Young
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
ryan bishop
- [nabs-l] wiki for summer reading, if anyone is interested.
ryan bishop
- [nabs-l] Fwd: NOPBC Style Show Application
blackbyrdfly at
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
ichoosechrist2 at
- [nabs-l] requesting some advice about choosing a college science class for next semester
- [nabs-l] The National Association of Blind Students Presents: The Basics of NFB Philosophy
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
- [nabs-l] Introduction from a new list member
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
- [nabs-l] Attending CCB
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
- [nabs-l] phone clal with pam allen
- [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
- [nabs-l] Getting a Mac for my birthday, recommendations wanted
- [nabs-l] Converting AA files to mp3
tiffany miles
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] blogging
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Accessible option to When is Good or a Google Docs Spreadsheet
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Creating Folders in Pages for the iPad
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Becoming a member of a local NFB Chapter.
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] advocacy advice to an grandmother
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] advocacy advice to an grandmother
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] IPhone list for blind users?
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] IPhone list for blind users?
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] test message, is this coming through?
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] The Epic Philosophy call.
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Accessible web calendars
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] watch out! it's another ridiculous update from Google
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] Online Courses
christopher nusbaum
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
- [nabs-l] my iphone is in a very weird mode
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
justin williams
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
justin williams
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
justin williams
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
justin williams
- [nabs-l] Braille Printer and Dux Bury Program
justin williams
- [nabs-l] word 1010
justin williams
- [nabs-l] word 1010
justin williams
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
justin williams
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
justin williams
- [nabs-l] Accessible and free invitation websites
justin williams
- [nabs-l] Congratulations to scholarship winners
justin williams
- [nabs-l] advocacy advice to an grandmother
justin williams
- [nabs-l] advocacy advice to an grandmother
justin williams
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
justin williams
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
justin williams
- [nabs-l] For the first time, Virginia will fully fund the education of its blind K-12 students
justin williams
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
justin williams
- [nabs-l] texting on the iPhone
justin williams
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
justin williams
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
justin williams
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
justin williams
- [nabs-l] CanI dance if I want to?
justin williams
- [nabs-l] CELL PHONE
wmodnl wmodnl
- [nabs-l] free screen reader review in the brale monitor.
The weird writer
- [nabs-l] offensive questions
The weird writer
- [nabs-l] Interviewing tips from a blind journalist
The weird writer
- [nabs-l] Blind Journalist interviews Josh blue: the comedian with cerebral palsy.
The weird writer
Last message date:
Fri May 31 21:50:24 UTC 2013
Archived on: Mon Jun 29 14:28:55 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).