[nabs-l] project help.

melissa Green lissa1531 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 06:14:30 UTC 2013

Hi all.
I am in my final semester.
Yay Me.

I have two projects that I am asking for help.
I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions about children's books that 
are extremely biased.
I need to create a project on both anti-bised and biased children's books.
This way I can do a contrast of them.
this is for my childhood curriculum class.
For the same class I am putting together a teaching unit on in the kitchen.
any suggestions or activities or children's books would be appreciated.
These two projects must be tailored for children 2 to 6.
Finally, any suggestions of articles on children's books are also good as 
Thank you all for your help and suggestions.
 Any help wil be apreciated.

Thank you.
Melissa Green  and Pj
"There's a God that loves you, you matter, & you have value & purpose." 

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