[nabs-l] Tweet Your Senators to #FixWIA!
Rose Sloan
rosesloan920 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 15:03:45 UTC 2014
Today is #FixWIA Wednesday! No group spends more time on facebook and
twitter than us. Please tweet and facebook your Senators to let them know
that you are opposed to Section 511 of the Workforce Investment Act. This
section, if passed, will allow any person with a disability who uses voc
reshab services to enter subminimum wage sheltered employment. We deserve
Additionally, the Senate version of WIA moves Rehabilitation Services
Administration (RSA) from the Department of Education to the Department of
Labor. No research supports the claim that this move will benefit people
with disabilities. In fact, it is feared that services will be worse under
the Department of Labor.
Here is a list of twitter handles and facebook pages for every Senator.
http://govsm.com/w/Senate. Let your voices be heard! Please take just a
few seconds to express you concerns with WIA.
Here are some sample tweets. Don't forget to tag your Senators! :)
Nondisabled people receive "Rehab Services" from @usedgov, so should people
with disabilities. Keep RSA in the Dep. of Ed. #rehabact #FixWia
Sec. 511 puts subminimum wages of Sec 14(c) of the FLSA into the #rehabact.
#FixWIA focus on competitive integrated employment.
Shaking up #rehabact without data and research could adversely affect
millions of PWDs. #FixWIA
Sec. 511 will allow any PWD who uses voc rehab services to enter subminimum
wage sheltered workshops. #FixWIA #Strike511
Thanks so much! Together, we will #FixWIA! If you have any questions,
feel free to reach out to me at rsloan at nfb.org.
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