[nabs-l] letter

Stephanie H. DeLuca sjhhirst at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 19:16:50 UTC 2014

January 1, 2014

Dear President’s and Members,

The new year has begun and we are once again preparing for our state

convention, It also is time to renew state dues for the year. Dues for 2014

will be $5.00 and must be to the treasurer by March 1,2014.

Convention Details

Date; March7-9,2014

Where; Holiday Inn Opryland

 2300 Elm Hill Pike Nashville, TN

 Reservation can be made by calling 1-866-871-1171

The rate is $100.00 per night Plus tax the block will be held until Feb

11, 2014 after that the rate will not be guaranteed

When you call ask for the block of rooms for the

National Federation of the Blind of Tennessee

Convention Registration $10.00

Banquet Tickets $35.00

All monies should be sent to the treasurer at the address below.

Evelyn Hogue

1429 Reata Pass Memphis, TN.38109

It will help if chapters will collect money from your members and send

one check along with a detailed list.

Thank You,

Sharon Treadway

Secretary NFB Of Tennessee

In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.
    ~Louis Pasteur, lecture 1854

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Stephanie H. DeLuca <sjhhirst at gmail.com>wrote:

> In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.
>     ~Louis Pasteur, lecture 1854
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: James Brown <jbrown369 at me.com>
> Date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 1:57 PM
> Subject: Fwd: letter
> To: Randy <randy at bkgraphics.com>, Terry Smith <terrysmith at epbfi.com>,
> Natalie Norwood <nnorwood08 at comcast.net>, Stephanie Deluca <
> sjhhirst at gmail.com>, Sharon Tredway <sharonparis at comcast.net>
> Please disseminate the information about our upcoming state convention to
> your chapters and divisions as soon as possible.
> Thank you very much,
> Sent from James Brown's iPhone
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* SHARONPARIS at comcast.net
> *Date:* January 2, 2014 at 12:04:58 PM CST
> *To:* jbrown369 at me.com
> *Subject:* *letter*
> This is the letter I will be sending to presidents and at large members.
> Thanks
> Sharon

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