[nabs-l] Professor's Recorded PowerPoints Lectures on Blackboard

helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 21:50:39 UTC 2014

Hi guys, this is Helga. How are you all? I just wanted to tell you that for my Introduction of Government class my Government Professor has his recorded Powerpoints Lectures on Blackboard. Sometime I find the link to it, but sometimes I don’t, but when it comes to play the lecture, I press enter on it, and it goes on, but when I want to stop it, I can’t. Just to let you know, one of my family members stops the lecture by clicking on it with the mouse. Actually, I know the lecture is somewhere located in Lesson modules. I just wanted to ask you, do you ever experience this kind of problem when your professor puts somekind of Lectures in Blackboard? And do you know how to play or pause a Recorded Powerpoint Lecture with JAWS? Just curious! I will really appreciate it a lot, if you could help me and give me some suggestions regarding this. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks so much and God bless!!  
P.S. By the way, I forgot to ask you, do you think I should access the recorded powerpoint lectures on my iPhone? By using my iPhone, do you think would it be easier in playing and stopping the the recorded Powerpoint Lecture? Just curious! I will really like to know your opinion about this, since this is my first time using Blackboard, and since my Professor will always have his recorded Lectures on Blackboard for this entire semester! Thanks again  for all your time!  

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