[nabs-l] Changing JAWS and VoiceOver to Spanish Language

sami osborne ligne14 at verizon.net
Sun Mar 2 20:05:23 UTC 2014

Yes, of course you can, the language change is not permanent, so 
you can change back and forth between languages as long as you 
want without any problems.

Now to write Spanish symbols on the BrailleNote, you first have 
to set it up so you can write those.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with a BrailleNote, but even if 
you aren't, I'm just posting here how for anybody else who'd like 
to know.
So, first thing you have to do is enable languages.  From 
anywhere on your BrailleNote, go to the Utilities Menu by 
pressing Backspace with Enter with U.  Once you're in this menu, 
press Space until you get to language Options, or just press the 
letter L.  Press Space to move through the items in this menu, 
and when you get to enable Spanish, the default I think is no so 
press Y for Yes If you want, you can also enable French, German 
and Italian.  Note: don't change the option for KeySoft default 
language, because at it the moment it is currently only in 
Once this is done, you'll need to enable the accents and 
symbolsfor Spanish so that the BrailleNote can recognize what 
they are.
Go to the Options menu and press B for Braille options.  Press 
Space until you get to Computer Braille Table.  By default it is 
set to US Computer Braille, press space with Dots 3 and 4 to 
cycle through the options available until you get to Spanish 
Computer Braille.  Then, stay in Braille Options, press Space, 
and choose display Computer Braille using.  It 's set to 6-dot 
0default, y h 6âange x to 8-dot if y want 6write 9 Spaniî.
All"r, s nö yr BrlNote is set up, ç y c write 9 Spaniî.
"O important ôò 6note 2f I tell y hö 6write è symbols: aside f è 
/çäd 6-dot Brl t y use, y w al use   dots 7 (é capital lrs, ça 
dot 8 û5 writò Spaniî.
S nö, f/ à all, 6write a capital lr, y use dots 7 z I j sd, t's 
Backspace, ç dot 8 is usë 6skip a l9e ç 6write a35të lrs, t w 
obviüsly ; è 5Tï key.
Nö, 6write a35të lrs.  6Write an A ù an a35t, Press dot 8 (è 5Tï 
key) ç an à symbol, t is 6say, dots 1 2 3 5 6

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