[nabs-l] President for the student division

Shikha desai1shikha at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 14:29:07 UTC 2014

I know that i have asked this question in the past, but only one person replied back to my question.
Our state convention for georgia is next Friday on October 10th, 11th, and 12th and i would like to run as president for the student division. 
The problem is that i do not know what a president does for the student division.
Also, i am not sure what i should say in my speech so people will vote for me. 
All i know is that the other person that is running for president does not know the NFB pledge, so i will be mentioning in my speech that i know the pledge and i will call on a random member on the board to say it.  If they do not know it then they will have to pay a quarter. 
The reason that i know that he is running is because he told me when we went on a mentoring trip few weeks ago. 
He does not know that i am also running.   


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