[nabs-l] mental health related e-mail list

Sam Nelson nelsonsam68 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 14:45:44 UTC 2014

Hi everyone, 

 My name is Sam. I  am the owner of a yahoo group e-mail list for those that
identify as having a mental illness and are blind/ visually impaired. We
find support from one another and are  a very caring community sharing
resources and generally helping one another through the struggles and
triumphs of living with the various issues that we do. 

 To subscribe send an e-mail to: 

 Blind-mentalhealth-subscribe at yahoogroups.com 

 Lastly I realize I have posted this here before and apologize  if people
would rather me not. If you know of another online venue you think would be
better to do  outreach for the list  please let me know. 

 Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. 


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