[nabs-l] NFB training centers and rehab-please help

Vejas Vasiliauskas alpineimagination at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 05:11:20 UTC 2015

Hi All,
I hope that you are having a great week  :-)
I am finishing up my senior year of high school and really would 
like to attend the Louisiana Center for the Blind's adult program 
next year before going away to college.
I am currently going through the process of getting hooked into 
Rehab and SSI.
I would really appreciate hearing from any of you who have gone 
to an out-of-state NFB training center and how you were able to 
convince your local Department of Rehab to pay for the program.  
If you still have the wording that you used to justify attending 
the program, I would really appreciate if you could share what 
worked for you with me.
Thank you so very much in advance.
Very Sincerely,

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