[nabs-l] Open conference call: OABS presents a call on study abroad

Kaiti Shelton crazy4clarinet104 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 06:09:04 UTC 2015

Hi, NABSters,

There was quite a bit of talk at convention about blind people going
abroad to work or study.  Perhaps you heard Justin Harford speak at
NABS about the #BlindAbroad campaign or Serena Olsen speak about her
Peace Corps work in Kurgystan.  Maybe both.

The Ohio Association of Blind Students will be hosting a call this
Thursday and will be taking advantage of these resources discussed at
convention to feature a panel of great advisors and students like you
who have traversed the globe.  Juanita from Abroad With Disabilities,
a non-profit organization which empowers students with disabilities to
study abroad, will be on the call and might be bringing one of her
team members.  Juanita founded AWD and has assembled an experienced
and worldly team of fellow students who are great sources of
information on studying abroad.  Serena Olsen has also been invited to
join the panel, and will be there if timing and her travels allow.  I,
Kaiti Shelton, will also sit on the panel as a student who just
completed a study abroad program in Jamaica at the end of June.
Someone from Mobility International USA may also make an appearance to
speak with us about the #BlindAbroad campaign, of which I am a proud
supporter on twitter.

If you've ever had dreams of Spanish emersion programs, or just
casually asking where you might find the loo, the Ohio Association of
Blind Students has you covered.  To join the call please dial the
following shortly before 7:30 PM.  The call will start promptly out of
respect for our guests.

Phone: 218)339-0896
Code: 78833687 or the word students.

We hope to see some of you there as we discuss studying and working
abroad as a way to live the life you want!

Kaiti Shelton
University of Dayton-Music Therapy
President, Ohio Association of Blind Students 2013-Present
Secretary, The National Federation of the Blind Performing Arts
Division 2015-2016

"You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back!"

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