[nabs-l] Writing math equations

Elif Emir Öksüz filerime at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 06:04:34 UTC 2015

Hi all,
As some of you can remember, I’m taking a statistic course now, and
I’ll take many of them. My university has no knowledge about providing
accessible books. They believe that single pdf is accessible. I can
deal with it for all other courses, but not statistic.
I need the equations and tables. They tried to write the equations.
Jaws can read it as a whole but I can’t navigate in it. I copied an
example here but since it is a picture or something like that, it
doesn't paste.

I don’t know braille yet. So guys what do you do with these kind of
things? How does your school provide you an accessible version of
these kind of equations?
Please let me know your ways, I desperately need a solution ASAP, and
my school wants me to find my own solution. They don’t have much idea.

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