[nabs-l] 25 Study Abroad Scholarships for students with disabilities!

NCDE Clearinghouse clearinghouse at miusa.org
Wed Mar 18 19:41:06 UTC 2015

Dear students,

We have wanted to share some exciting news with you!

Study abroad is a real option for students with disabilities, and now it will be even more within reach thanks to new scholarships designed to diversify who is studying abroad!

In partnership with MIUSA, CIEE has pledged to provide 25 scholarships to motivated and high-achieving U.S. college students with disabilities to study in one of its many overseas program sites. CIEE and MIUSA are offering the scholarships, in part, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which has expanded opportunities for people with disabilities since its passage in 1990.

Encourage other talented students with disabilities in your networks to explore the possibilities abroad! Eligible students should visit CIEE's scholarship page to learn more and apply by April 1, 2015. Visit http://www.ciee.org/study-abroad/miusa/. To share on social media, a sample Tweet and Facebook post are included below. Thank you!

Ashley Holben
Mobility International USA

Sample Tweet:
Celebrate #ADA25! Apply for @CIEEstudyabroad @MobilityINTL scholarship for students w/ #disabilities to #studyabroad ow.ly/Kdra3

Sample Facebook post:
CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange and Mobility International USA are doing something awesome - they are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act with 25 new ‪‎study abroad‬ ‪‎scholarships‬ specifically for students with disabilities. Applications are due soon, so apply now or share with someone who you think should apply! #ADA25 #GenerationStudyAbroad http://www.ciee.org/study-abroad/miusa/

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